Example sentences of "possibility that [pers pn] [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 However , it is not possible to fully protect files under VMS , and so there is a possibility that they may become corrupt .
2 First , there is an inability to consider alternative ways in which the ‘ other side ’ may see the world , and especially the possibility that they may see ‘ us ’ as the aggressor .
3 The choice of Aquitaine is then linked variously to the ability of the people of that part of Gaul to pay , the possibility that they may have backed the wrong side in the recent usurpations against the emperor Honorius , and the threat from separatist groups north of the Loire , who were known as Bacaudae .
4 Democrats in both houses of Congress responded to Barr 's decision by increasing their criticism of the Bush administration 's alleged obstruction of all efforts to investigate the Iraqgate allegations , and members of the House banking committee did not rule out the possibility that they would make a more specific request to Barr for the appointment of a special prosecutor .
5 Such was the speculation that Hurd and Major — Thatcher 's two nominators for the contest — were obliged to issue a joint statement insisting that they would not stand against Mrs Thatcher in a second ballot , but this all too clearly left open the possibility that they would stand if she were out of the contest .
6 If carried to extremes , no-one would cross the road because of the outside possibility that they might stumble and be killed by a car .
7 They discussed for a moment the possibility that they might get into dreadful trouble but discounted it .
8 In Ajdabiya Zuwaya did not consider the possibility that they might need to sink their differences with the Magharba in order to confront a common enemy .
9 That such traditions continued in the early 17th century not only in Italy but also in France should hardly surprise us , but the possibility that they might have persisted even to the end of the century and beyond may seem sufficiently improbable not to merit further investigation .
10 Now that they know about the money , there is always a possibility that they 'll tell the Germans .
11 For women officers there 's always the possibility that they 'll have to deal with the perpetrators of sexual abuse and violence .
12 Ballyskeagh have been granted Monday and Friday nights and there is a possibility that they will apply for Wednesday later on .
13 They have achieved notable publicity in some areas , such as the issues of deaths occurring in police custody and government economic strategy , but there is no possibility that they could achieve a significance equal to that of the United States congressional committees .
14 ‘ You 're quite sure that there is no possibility that they could have met — in some other context ? ’
15 The commonest response , from 43 per cent , was that it was ‘ occasionally necessary ( for expensive but essential things you do n't have the cash for ) ’ : given the possibility that they could have said ‘ sensible ’ or ‘ convenient-instead of ‘ necessary ’ , this suggests a rather more grudging acceptance .
16 NeXT Computer Inc is likely to go public next year , founder Steve Jobs said in Chicago last week , although he added that no steps have yet been taken to start the process : ‘ Things ( have been ) going very well for us the last few quarters , ’ Jobs said , and ‘ this quarter looks quite good as well , so if things keep on their present course and the market is good , I think there 's a real good possibility that we 'll go public next year . ’
17 ‘ And then there was always the possibility that we might decide to keep Jane Pargeter after all . ’
18 There was a possibility that we might record it some years ago — such great music , no wonder Wagner was overwhelmed by it !
19 You might put it this way : We are human beings , not because we have souls but because we are able to conceive of the possibility that we might have souls .
20 Having said that , the vague possibility that we may end this season by finishing bottom and going out of the League remains incomprehensible to me and I am at a loss to explain it .
21 The problems are more urgent now because there is the possibility that we may find a complete unified theory in as little as twenty years .
22 There is now every possibility that we will go to York . ’
23 For the insider such an exploration of the secular rituals and social constructs which govern police practice will hold what Myerhoff and Moore ( 1977 : 18 ) have described as ‘ the possibility that we will encounter ourselves making up conceptions of the world , society , our very selves .
24 A third possibility that we should consider makes use of the notion of generalization decrement .
25 A spokesman for Drake Training says that there is a possibility that it may establish an office in Moscow to put the training of Russian NetWare engineers on a more regular footing .
26 The cause of the fire is n't yet known , but fire investigators are looking into the possibility that it may have been started deliberately .
27 The cause of the fire is n't yet known , but fire investigators are looking into the possibility that it may have been started deliberately .
28 ‘ Tenby 's tongue was hanging out and there is a possibility that it may have got over his bit , ’ said the Newmarket trainer .
29 We shall take into consideration the possibility that it might happen , but it would be dreadful if it did . "
30 What Gunn means by this is , I think , that everyone realises the risks but yet we all feel a tendency to delude ourselves of any possibility that it might happen to us .
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