Example sentences of "realise [pers pn] would have [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 British Aluminium own the land , and as soon as I realised I would have to trespass with a car , my imagination started its fevered travail .
2 So , when I found I wanted to write a book that would reflect a little on whether we should strive to be perfect or settle for the second-best but practical , I realised I would have to have a murder that was in some way imperfect .
3 She would have given anything for a glimpse of the moon that had been shining when she was here before , but it was not there , and as the knocking gathered strength she realised she would have to go down .
4 However , when his mother , Adele Britton , tried to remove it , she realised she would have to call in the professionals .
5 Horrified , she realised she would have to write and thank everyone .
6 At last she sighed , realising she would have to wait patiently , so she said , ‘ OK — so you 're frustrated .
7 They realised they would have to race the tide .
8 Preston realised he would have to Take Action .
9 Once he had decided to write the Guide Book he realised he would have to do a considerable amount of writing and although he never felt he was a good writer , his unwavering intent carried him through .
10 The Prophet , having missed his first killing strike , realised he would have to move fast to avoid capture by the trap set for him by his hated enemy .
11 Sometimes it is through a mysterious inner constraint that he makes his presence felt , as when he guided Paul 's evangelistic direction away from the province of Asia in 16:6,7 and towards the hardships and opposition he realised he would have to face if he went up for that last journey to Jerusalem ( Acts 20:22,23 ) .
12 William realised he would have to handle the unloading alone if the van did not arrive in the next few minutes .
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