Example sentences of "responsibility for [verb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Home Secretary has announced changes to place more responsibility for policing from headquarters to local stations , though there has been no announcement about the possible amalgamation of forces .
2 The police response to Black women and racist attacks is determined by the same factors which affect their response to racist attacks generally : Failure to recognise racial violence/attacks as such and to act accordingly ; delays in their response to a call for help from victims of racial violence ; refusal to recognise the seriousness of a racist attack , and if arrests are made , only the minimum of charges are imposed ; avoiding responsibility for dealing with cases involving racist attacks — by advising victims to pursue civil action through the courts ; the subjecting of those who are victims of racial violence to further racial abuse ; the criminalisation of victims of racist attacks e.g. in Bradford , Newham and only recently two cases from Hounslow one involving 5 boys from Lampton School who defended themselves in a racial attack and were arrested and charged by the police .
3 The Reagan administration 's success in building a series of ad hoc coalitions in support of key economic policy votes owed much to the brilliance of the White House staff with special responsibility for dealing with legislature .
4 This has been in part because the universities have a perfectly general responsibility for disseminating among schools up-to-date advances in knowledge and theoretical changes within disciplines , but also , more specifically , through the Local Examination Boards they have been in a position to determine the syllabuses for public examinations , and so to a large extent to dictate a curriculum even for those pupils at school who may never themselves enter the door of a university .
5 Their wish to hand over control of parking supervision to the County so that there would be no direct line of responsibility for responding to residents ' complaints about parking abuse .
6 Prime Minister Nicholas Brathwaite took over responsibility for Planning from Brizan and passed his own Information portfolio to Carlyle Glean , the Minister of Education , Culture , Youth Affairs and Sport .
7 The UN Security Council on Jan. 28 reprimanded Iraq for allowing protestors to assault UN inspectors who arrived on Jan. 27 with responsibility for disposing of chemical and biological weapons stocks .
8 ICI also recognises its responsibilities for helping in community education .
9 On the practical level , changes in social policies which reduce women 's claims to maintenance on men but do not recognise that changes in the division of responsibilities for caring between men and women within the family and between the family and the wider community are also required , may in the end be counter-productive as far as women are concerned .
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