Example sentences of "responsibility for [v-ing] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 At this school I conducted interviews with 25 per cent of the staff , mostly those in senior positions and with responsibility for producing parts of the self-appraisal document .
2 Responsibility for deploying resources in support of courses is separated from responsibility for academic management and maintenance of standards .
3 If social workers become case managers , as is suggested in both the Griffiths report and the White Paper , then they will assume responsibility for interweaving services at fieldwork level .
4 The commission has responsibility for appointing auditors for local authorities using either the District Auditor service or auditors from the private sector .
5 It is important to stress that while there is within right-wing attacks on the welfare state a concentration on shifting culture and attitudes , with the increasing emphasis on ‘ business ’ and ‘ enterprise ’ , on managing tight budgets and devolving responsibility for effecting cuts to lower levels , the intentions are determinedly economic .
6 Statutory responsibility for providing facilities for those elderly in need of care and attention is currently divided between the local authority ( LA ) and district health authority ( DHA ) .
7 GRAPO also claimed responsibility for placing bombs at the headquarters of the Catalan Socialist Party ( PSC-PSOE ) in Barcelona on Sept. 10 , and at a petrochemical plant near Tarragona on Sept. 9 .
8 I have responsibility for assessing applications in Scotland .
9 Other teachers involved in the intake year were invited to take responsibility for preparing materials for some areas of the new curriculum .
10 English departments in secondary schools should take some of the responsibility for preparing pupils for such purposes of spoken language in public life by providing firm foundations on which they will be able to build as adults with increasing maturity and experience .
11 Can he give an assurance that if the Magnox reactors are indeed approaching the end of their days and Trawsfynydd has no continuing nuclear future , the Government will accept responsibility for finding jobs for those who depend on the industry ?
12 Let them know that you are always delighted to have them drop in but that it is the responsibility for having children on their own you find too much .
13 Following the Health and Safety ( Emissions into the Atmosphere ) Regulations 1983 , referred to earlier it is expected that local authorities will take over the responsibility for prosecuting persons for such offences , as Regulation 7 repeals s.78(3) of the 1974 Act which had required proceedings to be instituted by an inspector appointed under s. 19 of the Health and Safety at Work , etc .
14 Recent anxiety about the grammar schools ' perceived responsibility for reinforcing divisions between the middle and working classes , and about the wastage of talent which their continued existence perpetuated , has brought their traditional curriculum under severe attack .
15 A former PFL senator , Jorge Borhausen , was appointed to the newly-created Cabinet post of Secretary to the Presidency , with responsibility for rebuilding relations with Congress , a task previously carried out by Justice Minister Jarbas Passarinho .
16 That decision called for the establishment of joint working parties , for each of the subject areas , with responsibility for devising guidelines for the new syllabuses and specifying the detailed criteria relating to their assessment .
17 In the learned hierarchy the term — literally " one who is assiduous , constant in attendance ’ was used for a candidate for office at any stage in his career , for the muderris or kadi awaiting his next post as well as for the beginner , the term in Ottoman usage perhaps reflecting the fact that the candidates were in constant attendance theoretically upon the sultan but in fact more usually upon the kazaskers , in whose hands lay the responsibility for nominating men for most posts until near the end of the sixteenth century .
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