Example sentences of "nor [vb -s] [pers pn] [vb infin] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 He neither agrees nor disagrees , nor does he answer their objections .
2 Nor does he specify what kind of effects might be achieved by a reformulation or explain how it achieves those effects .
3 Obviously he does not deny the cat 's whining and agitated leaping in the presence of the ball , nor does he refuse its possession of ‘ sensory data ‘ , but these will not show what the cat believes ; namely , ‘ what categories of things it recognises ’ .
4 Nor does he desert his world .
5 Scott does not see strata as consisting of individuals , nor does he see them simply as positions generated by the economic system , but rather as groups of inter-marrying and inter-connected families .
6 Nor does he rub their face in things .
7 For he does not insist it is healthy and natural , nor does he ask me what I would like him to do .
8 He rarely seizes the imagination by exhibiting the higher excellencies , nor does he captivate us by that originality which attends the Painter who thinks for himself .
9 Nor does he know my intentions . ’
10 The need for reality is satisfied in that Septimus Quinn , for all his impetuosity , does not look upon war as fun , nor does he abdicate his responsibility for the men whom , from time to time , he is called upon to lead .
11 The Profitboss never manipulates his budgets to show a paper profit he knows ho can not achieve , nor does he massage his costs for reasons of comfort and insurance against poor performance .
12 Nor does she see anything wrong in smacking a toddler who is having a tantrum .
13 The fact that we are doctors , priests , social workers will not necessarily be of any advantage to us , nor does it give us any right to expect intimate revelations .
14 The Aragonese were politely told by Edward ( in January 1283 ) that ‘ we are bound by kinship and by homage to the king of France , nor does it behove us to rebel against him in any way , nor to do anything to arouse his anger nor give him offence ’ .
15 Editor , — J K Aronson and D J M Reynolds 's article on monitoring treatment with aminoglycoside antibiotics does not adequately address optimal dosing with these agents or the timing of assays , nor does it specify which patients need monitoring .
16 For the sake of this exercise , it matters little that , as a Soviet planner , I fail to narrow the gap between my compressor technology and yours ; nor does it concern me that one rouble of imported Western equipment requires five roubles in investment support : if the six roubles I invest produce fifty roubles of output , how have I injured myself ?
17 ‘ Your sexy persona does not necessarily indicate what you imagine your sexy being doing in bed , nor does it indicate who you 're attracted to . ’
18 Nor does it get us anywhere to learn from Anna Dostoevsky 's Memoirs that the story of the frantic Shatov , where phrasing seems inevitable and images unsought — it does n't help to be told by the novelist 's widow that these flawless pages lean heavily on his own behaviour while their first child was being born .
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