Example sentences of "whatever [pron] [be] she [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He only knew that he had lost her , and she might be the liar , cheat and whore he thought she was , or the injured innocent she claimed to be — he did not care which , for whatever she was she had taken his life and his hopes with her .
2 But she was around the house long enough for me to figure out that whatever arguments she has with herself , at the end of the day she will find some really crackerjack reason for doing whatever it is she wanted to do anyway .
3 If she wants whatever it is she gets out of this relationship , no one can deny she 's entitled to it .
4 Lee ca n't breathe Liz has got psoriasis and Lee 's got whatever it is she 's got !
5 She would never find now whatever it was she had been looking for from life .
6 Whatever it was she had , or had n't , done , she was going to get walloped .
7 Whatever it was she had so plainly hoped to recapture .
8 She would hiss , cluck and even stick out her tongue — anything to deter the cat from doing whatever it was she thought the cat was plotting to do .
9 She would get over whatever it was she thought she felt for him .
10 The colourless liquid in the glass she carried might just have been water , perhaps ; but whatever it was she seemed unwontedly sober .
11 She was deeply ashamed of the way she had behaved with Georg , drink , misery , badly upset hormones , whatever it was she knew that from now on she must keep right away from him , let him get over her , meet someone else , someone interested in farming and cows , and be happy again .
12 The question she was avoiding was whether Miss Fergusson might not have been the instrument of her own precipitation , in order to achieve or confirm whatever it was she wanted to achieve or confirm .
13 It was nothing to do with her , and whatever it was she did n't want to be mixed up in it .
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