Example sentences of "degree of [noun] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The site , length of stricture(s) , and the degree of narrowing of oesophageal lumen were assessed by radiologic and endoscopic examinations .
2 If artificial selection does change the average condition of the population , the trait under selection must have been heritable ; and the degree of response to artificial selection indicates the degree of heritability .
3 For this reason there is a degree of worry about recent budget cuts that have been imposed on the information section at NACAB central office .
4 The Panel accepts that the provisions of the City Code may not be appropriate to all such private companies and will , therefore , apply the City Code with a degree of flexibility in suitable cases .
5 This suggests a high degree of polarity between low income renters and high income owner-occupiers .
6 This created the climate for a degree of loosening of central control on the curriculum in the 1902 Education Act .
7 Influenced by developments such as these , substantial public support began to develop for measures which would protect the position of the indigenous nationalities and which would ensure that economic decisions were taken with a greater degree of consideration for local circumstances .
8 With an interlude for a half-yearly general meeting to approve the audited accounts , a somewhat frenetic round of discussion groups produced a remarkable degree of consensus on various fronts .
9 The Convex Application Compiler will have automatic interprocedural analysis capabilities to provide a high degree of optimisation from existing applications .
10 The Convex Application Compiler will have automatic interprocedural analysis capabilities to provide a high degree of optimisation from existing applications .
11 One accepts , of course , that the sheer volume and intractability of the subject matter render resort to delegated legislation to some degree inevitable ; but , by the same token , those very factors of volume and intractability almost necessarily involve a degree of perfunctoriness in parliamentary scrutiny .
12 At the same time , it is proposed to assess the degree of correlation between economic and social developments and political evolution .
13 A restrictive interpretation was given to this expression in R & B Customs Brokers Ltd v UDT Finance Ltd [ 1988 ] 1 All ER 847 where the Court of Appeal held that a purchase is only in the course of business if ( a ) it is integral to the business or ( b ) there is some degree of regularity of similar transactions ( see also Peter Symons & Co v Cook ( 1981 ) 131 NLJ 758 ; Rasbora Ltd v JCL Marine Ltd [ 1977 ] 1 Lloyd 's Rep 645 ) .
14 Under the supervision of the principal teacher of remedial education , he received an extraordinary degree of help with basic reading , writing and arithmetic .
15 If the remedy is homœopathically accurate then it becomes increasingly beneficial as its dose approaches the ideal degree of smallness for gentle action .
16 The first jobs through the system should be paralleled through the current process as well to provide at least a degree of insurance against total disaster .
17 In an era of increasing motor vehicle accidents involving children a high degree of awareness of traumatic rupture of the diaphragm and the possibility of late presentation is essential for prompt diagnosis and the consequent reduction in morbidity and mortality .
18 Or they may incorporate values for the degree of error of past forecasts when compared with actual results achieved .
19 An important factor that affects this is the degree of competition from rival suppliers .
20 Whatever impact this increased monopolization had in reducing the degree of competition in domestic markets was swamped in most instances by the greater challenge from imports .
21 Much of this support could be gained from voluntary befriending schemes , single parent advice groups and possibly the kinds of ‘ divorce workshops ’ that have gained a degree of popularity in American mental health centres .
22 The reluctance of the UK and other member countries to go further stems from the inherent feature of monetary union : the relinquishing of a high degree of sovereignty in economic policy-making to a supra-national body .
23 The magazine commented that a narrow electoral victory by the LDP would entail some degree of compromise with major opposition parties and , in addition , the anti-war sentiment prevalent within the JSP meant that demands for further increases in the defence budget would not be viewed in a favourable light , especially expenditure concerning the acquisition of " future generation " weapons systems .
24 Two years later he was awarded the degree of MD by Marischal College .
25 Two weeks before joining the study the degree of compliance with dietary treatment was assessed by a dietitian and a standard gluten free diet , including commercially available gluten free products , was recommended .
26 For example , an inductivist might take as his universal criterion the degree of inductive support a theory receives from accepted facts , whilst a falsificationist might base his criterion on the degree of falsifiability of unfalsified theories .
27 The hon. Gentleman asked me about the degree of support from medical staff .
28 The logic of party competition , regular electoral successes by socialist and social democratic parties , rational administration and the control it gives party elites over the state machine have all contributed to the degree of centralization in liberal democracies .
29 All the reservoirs receive a degree of disturbance from recreational activities primarily fishing , but on some more active forms of recreation take place .
30 There is a high degree of interaction with other non-playing characters during the game , but all conversations are by way of ‘ forced ’ options — being decided by what you have discovered or achieved during the game .
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