Example sentences of "especially when [pers pn] [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 David Speedy 's goal enough to get all three points for Leicester and I think on the balance of play they just about edged it but Forest put up a marvellous performance in the second half especially when they had to make er changes and things did n't go well for them .
2 In 11 patients it was difficult to justify repeat biopsy especially when they had shown a very good clinical response to gluten withdrawal .
3 He adds that ‘ the natives of Mull are very careful to chew a piece … especially when they intend to have a drinking bout ’ .
4 People do n't , especially when they 've had enough and would n't mind .
5 Especially when they 've paid to enjoy what , for some anyway , must be the holiday of a lifetime , ’ Lindsey smilingly agreed .
6 Out-of-town businessmen use our facilities , especially when they wish to impress important clients . ’
7 ‘ We were beginning to think something had happened to you , especially when we kept ringing your flat and could n't get any reply .
8 I hope this public interest will eventually fade away , especially when we have moved in for good .
9 This messes up our whole routine , especially when we have to make numerous trips to the pigeon holes to see if the mail has arrived , not to mention putting the post room in a turmoil .
10 ‘ Although this is a drastic comparison it is still worth bearing in mind , especially when we begin to pass from youth to maturity .
11 ‘ Although this is a drastic comparison it is still worth bearing in mind , especially when we begin to pass from youth to maturity .
12 At times this caused quite a scuffle , especially when we tried to insist on lumping several together and pretending that the result was a nation , albeit a federal one — rather in the same way as the parliamentary managers of the eighteenth century used to bribe Scottish peers by the batch , half a dozen or a dozen at a time .
13 The son of a Siberian farmer , Rasputin soon adopted the motto ‘ work hard and play hard ’ , especially when it came to drink and women .
14 Her high-handed personal style , it appeared , had created widespread hostility to her , which surfaced in the course of the trial , especially when it became known that there had been blatant intimidation of witnesses .
15 Many people swear that their horse has a sense of humour , especially when it likes tipping them off ; but it is possible of course that these people actually have a considerable sense of humour themselves to put up with the vagaries of their horse !
16 Adventure might seem exciting , but all too soon it could seem like a prison sentence , especially when it meant living aboard a ship with all manner of rogues and scoundrels .
17 ‘ It was quite usual for me to take on this sort of job but it was n't usual for him to make an appointment for me and only tell me at the last minute , especially when it meant working after hours .
18 Reading was difficult for me , especially when it involved looking at the chalkboard , and I soon found myself being classed as ‘ thick ’ .
19 This work promises to be arduous , especially when it comes to deal with Jewish settlements in the territories , the future of Jerusalem , and security .
20 Despite these limitations , Rabbit can claim some advantages over other mobile phones currently available , especially when it comes to call quality and security , and international compatibility .
21 Do you know , I , I 've come I 've come away from Luton , Stansted at times , Cambridge especially when I 've come down , perhaps half a dozen dinners .
22 Especially when I 've got a friend who might come up and visit .
23 Yes , it does hurt , especially when I 've worked so damn hard trying to get it right .
24 ( The air can get rather ripe-smelling in an ordinary classroom , especially when I start opening up and passing round owl pellets to show my audience what she 's been regurgitating ! )
25 My girlfriend 's a Villa fan but is n't always happy about it especially when I suggested painting the bedroom claret and blue .
26 That 's the nice thing about being rich — especially when you 've gone without because then you really appreciate it when you 've got it .
27 Not easy , is it , especially when you 've got the mineral water and bags of flour aboard ?
28 It 's worrying especially when you 've got young children
29 It is also very preparation for climbing , since balance and swing are crucial , especially when you have to swing up six feet and balance on a ledge no wider than a fingernail … . and as for amateur dramatics — you should see some of our training sessions !
30 It can be very sad having to part with the dog after a year , especially when you have become so attached .
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