Example sentences of "5 and [adj] [unc] [no cls] " in BNC.

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1 Thus , if one had a bronze with , say , 2 per cent of tin , where the tin content of the comparable genuine bronzes lay between 5 and 10 per cent , this would be unusual and would count against the piece but it certainly would not condemn it .
2 In this country between 5 and 10 per cent of cases of gonorrhoea in women go on to develop a degree of tubal involvement , and only a few of these will lead to peritonitis .
3 On the other hand , if there are no others in the field , an offer of , say , 2½ per cent less than the asking price could be made ; and if the house is somewhat overpriced , try an offer between 5 and 10 per cent less than the asking price and see what the reaction is .
4 The group is now trying to encourage members to increase their commitment to 1 per cent ( which still pales in comparison with the US , where there are 2 , 5 and 10 per cent clubs ) .
5 In the post-war period , expenditure on the military has been between 5 and 10 per cent of GDP .
6 The largest of the groups , the Lombard League , which had won a small percentage in the 1989 European Parliament elections as the Lombardy Regional Party [ see p. 36876 ] , took 19 per cent of the vote in Lombardy and became the second largest party in the region , while separate local leagues in Veneto and Piedmont won between 5 and 7 per cent of the vote each .
7 Growth was forecast at 3 per cent ( compared with 2 to 2.5 per cent forecast for 1992 ) ; inflation at an annualized rate of between 5 and 7 per cent ( compared with 9 per cent in 1992 ) ; and privatization receipts at Esc225,000 million .
8 The rates of sustained abstinence were significantly better with active treatment than with the placebo : 53 , 41 , 24 and 17 per cent of those in the nicotine patch group were abstinent after 6 , 12 , 26 and 52 weeks respectively : the equivalent abstinent rates for the control group were 17 , 10 , 5 and 4 per cent .
9 One US study found that spillovers lead to average cost reductions of between 5 and 13 per cent in the short run and 10–20 per cent in the long run , creating a divergence between private and social rates of return of 67 per cent in chemicals , 123 percent in petroleum , 30 percent in machinery , and 90 percent in instrument engineering ( Bernstein and Nadiri , 1989 ) .
10 Between 1951 and 1966 , three parishes had population gains of between 5 and 22 per cent , but ten parishes had population losses , the largest of which ( 52 per cent ) was in Warham .
11 ( Note however , that Figure 5.2 shows a population increase of between 5 and 14.9 per cent for the same area between 1971 and 1981 ) .
12 In these regions , the Conservative vote is down respectively by only 5 and 3 per cent on 1987 , not enough to suggest widespread Labour gains come 1992 .
13 LWT 's managers will end up with between 5 and 15 per cent of the new company depending on the performance in the interim , for which they will pay £3m — £700,000 in cash and £2.3m in forgone share options .
14 But the Crowther Committee and Consumers ' Association reported that where mail order prices could be compared directly with prices in the shops , they appeared to be between 5 and 15 per cent higher .
15 First , the so-called ‘ sun-belt ’ from Norfolk through Oxford to Bournemouth , with many districts showing a growth of 15 per cent and over , second , a broad band of growth between 5 and 15 per cent across all of lowland England and the Welsh Marches , and third , a significant area of growth with rates of 30 to 60 per cent ( Carruthers et al . ,
16 Diagnostic radiology is growing at a rate of between 5 and 15 per cent per year in many technically developed countries which , together with the rapid growth rate expected in developing countries , will lead to substantial increases in the global dose commitment in the future .
17 In California the advance towards a new ‘ post-industrial ’ society has been more rapid than elsewhere and according to Bradshaw and Blakeley ( 1979,6 ) the four distinguishing characteristics of this ‘ prototypical advanced industrial society ’ are : ( a ) high technology ( for example , the explosive growth of microcomputers in the hitherto rural ‘ Silicon Valley ’ ) ; ( b ) up to 70 per cent employed in the service ( tertiary ) sector and only 5 and 25 per cent respectively in the primary ( agriculture ) and secondary ( manufacturing ) sector ; ( c ) the intense rate at which knowledge is generated and transmitted ; and ( d ) increasing interdependence between places for goods and services .
18 The maximum possible offer price for the trust is equal to the creation price plus the manager 's initial charge , typically between 5 and 6 per cent .
19 Firstly , there are is the mainstream of PEP managers who do not impose any additional charges on the PEP over and above the basic unit trust charges , which are typically between 5 and 6 per cent initial and 1 to 1.5 per cent annual .
20 There was opposition to the existing CET tariff rates which ranged from zero to 45 per cent , with Jamaica proposing new rates ranging between 5 and 20 per cent and the seven-country Organization of Eastern Caribbean States ( OECS ) arguing for rates ranging from zero to 30 per cent .
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