Example sentences of "everything [prep] [noun pl] to [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Forget Kylie — here come the crisp bags Yorkshire students are making music for the ears of world famous composers with everything from sneezes to zips .
2 ‘ Have you anything to declare ? ’ waving a clipboard with everything from narcotics to firearms printed on it .
3 I could work with everything from marmosets to elephants .
4 Food is fresh , and everything from soups to sweets is home-made .
5 These ticket prices are levied , on top of profits from television rights , sponsorship , advertising and kickbacks , on everything from hotdogs to jockstraps .
6 You can revamp everything from boots to tents with today 's specialist products
7 He 's been running his shop for the past 30 years , selling everything from garters to saddles !
8 It appears to have rather generalized habits , feeding on everything from worms to clams , which it can crush with its powerful appendages , using the bases of its legs like nutcrackers .
9 The former is published quarterly in the United Kingdom by the Library Association and its coverage includes not only most of the main social science journals but also serious weekly magazines , such as The Economist and New Society , and also The Times , the Guardian and other such popular publications ; the latter is an American publication covering everything from books to articles and reports on all sorts of economic and social affairs published worldwide in the English language .
10 That 's usually the plague of resorts and restaurants — the staff making off with everything from sheets to T-bones .
11 All were armed , with everything from blazers to vibro-knives .
12 Everything from beds to saucepans , crockery and curtains are sold at the Borough Road warehouse and prices range from 50p to £25 .
13 DURING Fun Fortnight we 've had jokes on everything from cows to coughs , doctors to dentists , and everyone has given us a good laugh .
14 DURING Fun Fortnight we 've had jokes on everything from cows to coughs , doctors to dentists , and everyone has given us a good laugh .
15 They assert that , far from ensuring national security , official planning in the US is making the energy system progressively more vulnerable — to everything from thunderstorms to terrorists .
16 Albert 's philosophies crop up in the White House 's cancer policy paper , which is to be as a blueprint for everything from pesticides to pills .
17 Jones makes the important point that sex is used to advertise everything from cars to chocolates ; ‘ but when it comes to condoms it 's all flowers and sunsets ’ .
18 The 1990 Budget Enforcement Act put caps on ‘ discretionary ’ spending — everything except entitlements to pensions , health care and the like .
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