Example sentences of "nature of [det] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 These include the highly specialized nature of much of the technical analysis , the limited capacity for checking the accuracy of many of the findings of this kind of research and the consequent need for the development of knowledge-based inference machines for extracting useful information from secondary and often proxy data .
2 He pointed out the illusory nature of much of the growth in the gross national product to which war economy gave rise , and to the fact that it masked a decline in real wealth .
3 It remains by far the most convincing performance committed to disc by virtue of its natural pacing and brazen flair , which serve to underline the experimental nature of much of the content .
4 All titles are short in length ( the inevitable result of the then-available vinyl technology ) , though this is no hardship given both the price and the fascinating nature of much of the music making .
5 ‘ It 's just a form of brain death ’ , said one lifer scornfully , and indeed for many men the repetitive , soul-destroying nature of much of the work would indeed seem only to add to the pains of imprisonment .
6 Observers have simply failed to remark the scientific nature of much of the thinking of so-called ‘ primitive ’ peoples and have perhaps overstated the ‘ scientific ’ nature of thinking in their own societies .
7 A few examples of recent projects undertaken in different parts of the country may help to illustrate the innovative nature of much of the Trust 's work , and the care that is taken to respect the integrity and character of each property as well as to enhance the benefit that each one can offer to the nation .
8 This may be called the Phenomenon of the Catastrophic Nature of much of the Stratigraphical Record .
9 The ad hoc nature of much of the Scottish research is highlighted , and a call is made for further research on the present participation of adults in Scottish higher education .
10 When it comes to mysteries about the distribution of creatures of the Oriental Region , the local nature of that of the gharial is possibly the greatest of them all .
11 The future behaviour of Japan , then , may be analysed in terms of the balance between commercial self-interest and the basic protectionist nature of many of the trade restrictions which still exist .
12 The conference began on a rainy morning during the last week of March 1923 in the somewhat unlikely setting of the drawing room — a venue chosen to accommodate the ‘ off the record ’ nature of many of the attendances .
13 Though Beveridge was rather ambivalent about the role of the ‘ blind alley ’ , his recognition of the imaginary nature of many of the faults attributed to the juvenile labour-market has been established .
14 The homely nature of many of the old works is testified by their names — Wheal Ale and Cakes , Wheal Cupboard and Wheal Bread and Cheese .
15 This is also a sizable rate of refusal , and the nature of many of the contacts used casts some doubt on the representativeness of the sample population .
16 There could have been a greater degree of specialization , but this has been avoided here in order to emphasise the collaborative nature of many of the specialisms to be found in the production function .
17 While some argue that the anti-labour nature of many of the governments in such low-wage countries makes the task of the TNCs even easier , others argue that the TNCs tend to bring a more progressive atmosphere into labour relations than had previously been the case in such countries .
18 The generally slow and mellow nature of most of the tracks here shows just how wide the differences were between the styles of go-ahead be-bop ( as exemplified by Savoy 's Parker recordings ) and a more easy-going approach to jazz which developed in the late 1940s and '50s in the wake of the bop 's increasing hectic and adventurous music .
19 While the same accusation was not explicitly levelled against ZBB , the complexity of the procedures , the esoteric nature of the terminology , the potential for overwhelming paperwork and the inapplicable nature of several of the key concepts oppose acceptability .
20 However a mixture of careful diplomatic packaging and the vague nature of some of the key provisions make a confrontation with Washington unlikely .
21 Quite often things will not go to plan because of the variability of people 's behaviour in situations of stress or the unusual and horrific nature of some of the calls the police have to attend .
22 The percussive nature of some of the playing and ‘ rat-at-tat ’ rhythms sometimes suggest Prokofiev ( the pianos take a fair bashing ) , and at various points Messaien , Villa-Lobos , and Ligeti came into my mind .
23 Although the chemical nature of some of the major cell surface components are known , little detailed information is known about the in vivo organisation of these components on the other cell surface .
24 These differences are important , just as it is important to highlight the political position taken by the editors of the volume and the empirically based nature of some of the chapters ( chapters 8 and 9 ) compared with the more abstract nature of others ( chapters 5 and 6 ) .
25 This is as true of child protection work as of any other field , and indeed perhaps the very dangerousness of the work ( for professionals and clients alike ) and the appalling nature of some of the cruelties and neglects make such professional jealousy and prejudice all the more likely .
26 Does the pornographic nature of some of the reports encourage attitudes which facilitate rape ?
27 The method of objective observation , while accumulating indispensable empirical data , was often insufficiently conscious of the nature of some of the less tangible cultural processes , of these as elements of history and , crucially , of the effects on observation of the specific social and cultural situation of the observer .
28 The remarkable stability of northern Europe and eastern North America after this mid-Cretaceous spasm is surely clear evidence of the episodic nature of some of the plate movements .
29 The scale of the cuts , together with the nature of some of the projects affected , meant that there was a strong possibility that the resulting bill would be vetoed by the President .
30 There are reservations as to its validity because of the small samples and the non-parametric nature of some of the variables .
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