Example sentences of "window and [verb] into the " in BNC.

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1 Rebecque went to the open window and stared into the heat haze .
2 He moved away from the window and walked into the adjoining bathroom .
3 Cornelius glanced over his shoulder and then stuck his head out of the window and squinted into the distance .
4 When I opened an upstairs window and looked into the ravine ( this was in winter , so it was easy to see the tracks ) , Zverev 's works , and those of some other artists , were lying out in the snow .
5 But as I turned to go downstairs , my landlord , thinking he was alone , threw himself on the bed , pushed open the window and called into the darkness .
6 LIKE a child playing secret games , Sinead O'Connor crept up to the window and peered into the cosy room .
7 I missed , and he ran from the window and jumped into the lake .
8 The journey went on and on — before long we were travelling at a walking pace , and I and the few other passengers were anxiously clearing the condensation from the windows and peering into the murk in an effort to see where we were .
9 The Collector had the remaining wooden shutters stripped off the Residency windows and dug into the mud of the ramparts to prevent them melting .
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