Example sentences of "window [conj] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 To change options double click on the text window or click on the underscored arrow button .
2 She guessed that he had been standing at the window or listening for the sound of her key in the lock .
3 In the front hall — in case any burglar should choose to throw himself through the fireproof glass in the window or slice through the mortise lock with a flame gun — was a selection of things to trip over .
4 ‘ I 'd better get the glucose testing kit , ’ she mumbled as she edged towards the French window that led into the breakfast-room and then along a passage to the suite of rooms used by Faye and Bill .
5 The courtyard was no longer floodlit but the moon was brilliant , filling the room with light , and Maggie slid from her bed and went quickly to the long window that led to the veranda .
6 People passing in the street would hear his voice booming through the big wisteria -hung window that looked down the hill .
7 Standing at the window that looked over the grounds , she thought back over her short stay here in the house , tried to see how it might have been different — and then gave a wry , sad little smile .
8 ‘ She had never been out of Italy before — now there she was without as much as a full day 's notice at Brown 's Hotel looking on top hats and umbrellas out of a window that worked like a guillotine .
9 Posi calculates a window that leads to a gap in their patrol , and we shoot through . ’
10 While they had been delayed by Duvall 's attack on Devlin , the thing had withdrawn from the basement window and lurched through the storm to the front of the building .
11 He closed the window and said to the radio man , ‘ Send this message . ’
12 There were no books in the room so all I could do was look out of the window and wait for the quarterly chimes from the Cathedral Clock .
13 Rebecque went to the open window and stared into the heat haze .
14 They had a tiny room on the ground floor lit by a small leaded window and heated by an open fire from which as much smoke seemed to blow into the room as went up the chimney .
15 Next morning he popped his royal head out the window and inquired of a passing native where he was ( it had been a heavy night before ) .
16 He moved away from the window and walked into the adjoining bathroom .
17 It sailed out of the horizontally opening window and fell on the bowler hat of a ratepayer on the street underneath .
18 Cornelius glanced over his shoulder and then stuck his head out of the window and squinted into the distance .
19 A frisky April breeze , dancing around the houses and backyards of Walworth in search of inlets , found a partly open window and darted through the gap .
20 Primarily , the fact that nostalgia has been thrown out the window and crushed by the futuristic steamroller from hell .
21 When it seemed that the sound and whatever it emanated from was about to overwhelm us , the engine and coaches of an express train appeared in the left-hand window and whizzed past a few feet from the front bumper .
22 She went to the window and looked at the sky .
23 She relatched the window and looked for the deadlock key on the ring , but Carson said , ‘ I 'll see to that later .
24 When I opened an upstairs window and looked into the ravine ( this was in winter , so it was easy to see the tracks ) , Zverev 's works , and those of some other artists , were lying out in the snow .
25 Stok went across to the window and looked through the side of the curtain like they do in gangster films .
26 She strode over to her single window and looked towards the Cherwell , over the garden .
27 He opened his window and listened to the hiss and trickle of the fountain .
28 Mrs Blakey , recognizing that something was wrong , rapped sharply on the landing window and beckoned at the children .
29 During the day , position the large pair at the middle of the main window and draw in the centre of each curtain with tie bands to form two attractive drapes .
30 Bragg looked up angrily , then walked to the window and gazed at the church tower beyond .
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