Example sentences of "break down and [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Angela was glad she was a Brownie , because if she had n't been she would surely have broken down and sobbed at missing her great chance of winning the bicycle .
2 No molecule of our body survives unchanged for more than a few weeks or months ; over that period , even in adults , it is synthesized , plays its part in the cellular economy , and is then discarded , broken down and replaced by another more or less identical .
3 For a while , there , he 'd as good as haunted the place in the late afternoons … but then the van had broken down and getting into town had n't been so easy , and besides the restaurant had become so damned busy that he 'd become just another face in an ever-changing crowd .
4 But there were some good memories , particularly of one Polish vessel after we had rescued their lifeboat , broken down and drifting in adverse weather in the outer reaches of the lock with the mate and several crewmen on board .
5 These sections will be broken down and explained by the lecturer , and further understood in your reading .
6 Desiccated liver is approximately 80% protein and is easily broken down and absorbed by the stomach .
7 The autumn colours come when the green pigment chlorophyll is broken down and re-absorbed into the tree .
8 The following bar graphs or charts show how the information can be broken down and looked at more closely .
9 After the psychological hyperrealism of the early chapters of Ulysses , the text is taken over by a bewildering variety of voices and discourses — parodic , travestying , colloquial , literary : newspaper headlines , oratory , women 's magazines , pub talk , operatic songs , encyclopaedia articles , and so on ; while the narrative level of the text is full of gaps , non sequiturs , anticlimaxes , and unsolvable enigmas , and the chronological order of events is broken down and rearranged by the operations of memory and the association of ideas in the consciousness of characters .
10 Most procaryotes , using oxygen , depend on the simpler process of fermentation for their energy , where chemical food is broken down and burned inside the cell .
11 BIODEGRADABLE MATERIAL We can now make plastics which can break down and disappear into the soil .
12 They build up one structure which breaks down and flows into another .
13 For example , the man may travel to work each day by car and so carry an extra £20 with him just in case his vehicle breaks down and needs to be repaired at once .
14 In the middle of Reverend Barr 's address a woman Maggie did n't recognize completely broke down and had to be led away .
15 At Nice when he heard the devastating news that his Portuguese friend , the artist Amedeo de Sousa Cardoso , had died of Spanish flu he broke down and sobbed like a child .
16 Once he broke down and cried on the radio .
17 We also know that ‘ the iron-willed Admiral ’ broke down and cried on hearing that Balboa 's ocean had at last been sighted .
18 I broke down and cried for fifteen minutes .
19 The next time out with me he broke down and cried for Constance .
20 Then she broke down and cried onto the flowery wrapping-paper .
21 That night to Michelle Phillips he broke down and cried like a baby .
22 Osborne broke down and confessed to the killing when a picture of the curtains in which Dean 's body was wrapped was flashed on TV .
23 What he needed was to break down and howl like a child , and it was the effort not to do so that was tearing at him .
24 He came into the kitchen after a few moments and she turned away , wandering to the far side to get away from him , battling with the sudden incredible desire to break down and sob like a little girl who had done the wrong thing yet again .
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