Example sentences of "long [conj] he [verb] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 He worked and worried about this long before he got to play the old man .
2 People could speak English before there was universal literacy , and in the same way a child learns to speak long before he learns to read and write .
3 Coming to London as a young clerk attached to the Board of Trade , it was not long before he began to take an interest in political affairs , and his remarkable gift for public speaking was developed at the old Battersea Parliament , to which belonged many men who have since played important roles in public life … including Stanley ( now Lord ) Buckmaster , John Burns and Horatio Bottomley … .
4 Long after he left to become a flight engineer it continued to light them through the war and for many years after .
5 What rhino likes is fucking and killing , killing and fucking ; he is n't at all fussy which end he fucks , so long as he gets to fuck .
6 Some might worry that he is allowing the Californians to influence him too much , but I ca n't help feeling that so long as he manages to stay on his horse he remains the best sort of Englishman aborad .
7 Paul wriggled , and the look on his face seemed to indicate that he would n't actually mind wasting anything , just so long as he got to hit the bell with his plank of wood .
8 Anyone who gives him a flak jacket ( that is , consent ) may take it back , but the doctor only needs one and so long as he continues to have one he has the legal right to proceed .
9 He would be the first name on my team sheet for as long as he continues to keep fit .
10 For him , this meant giving master classes in duplicity in order to keep both Axis and Allies in play for as long as he needed to achieve his economic , military and , above all , territorial objectives .
11 Check that you have the positioning right and encourage your baby to feed for as often and long as he wants to stimulate the flow .
12 Under the STV a candidate must compete not only with political opponents but also with candidates of his own party , and compete in a popularity contest which , commencing with his first election campaign , will have to last without remission for as long as he wishes to hold his seat .
13 ‘ So long as he promised to give the heroine more character and personality , that is .
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