Example sentences of "situation in [Wh det] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The following are common situations in which the Transfer Regulations will not apply .
2 But there may well have been situations in which the boot was on the other foot ; and in the centuries before the tenth , the centuries in which slavery was steadily declining , there is no reason to suppose that land was scarce , or that the landlords normally had the whip-hand .
3 I shall discuss three situations in which the issue is typically presented : the much publicized , widely known case of the unconscious , dying patient connected to a ventilator ; the case of the chronically dependent , conscious patient whose condition is stable — for example , a polio victim ; and the temporarily dependent , emergency patient .
4 Let us compare this with situations in which the issue of race has been involved .
5 A reverse takeover is one of the situations in which the board of the offeror company must , in accordance with Rule 3.2 , obtain competent independent advice on the offer and make that advice known to its shareholders ( see para 6.4.2 below ) .
6 However , there are situations in which the EEG may disclose lateralised phenomena which , because of their very nature , may not have been suspected on other grounds .
7 The matter may also arise indirectly in situations in which the decision-maker belongs to an organisation which initiated the proceeding , but where he himself has taken no part in the decision to prosecute .
8 He said that there were two situations in which the court would not enforce a clause : ( a ) if at the time of making the contract it is seen that it may in the future operate unfairly or unreasonably ; or ( b ) if after the time of making the contract it is found to operate unreasonably or unfairly even if those circumstances were not envisaged beforehand .
9 The former gives the employee an option and the latter extends the situations in which the option is available .
10 ‘ In many situations in which the father is the aggressor , the eldest daughter is the first to be victimized , and earliest sexual contact can begin when the child is as young as 5 or 6 , with genital fondling , mutual masturbation and oral-genital contact …
11 One could argue that there are certain situations in which the risk of serious harm is so obvious that it would be right for the law to impose a duty to take care to ascertain the facts before proceeding .
12 The leftward nodes represent situations in which the reader is required to expend a lot of effort in deriving coherence from a text .
13 In section 11.3 it was stressed that the Laplace transform of a signal is pertinent to practical situations in which the signal is switched on at some instant .
14 There are however situations in which the value of magnetically stored information is not bit-critical .
15 On the other hand , there may be a number of situations in which the victim 's consent will no longer be relevant under Categories 1 and 2 .
16 But if we begin from situations in which the community does not find it necessary to impose standards , we find , in the very simplest cases , full confidence and agreement in evaluating , untroubled by worries over differences of taste .
17 The basic level ‘ is that level of abstraction that is appropriate for using , thinking about , or naming an object in most situations in which the object occurs ’ ( Rosch , 1978 , p.43 ) .
18 The view of the House of Lords in Davies v Sumner [ 1984 ] 1 WLR 1301 failed to take sufficient account of the variety of situations in which the phrase " dealing in the course of a business " appear .
19 Unfortunately , such an approach ignores the range of situations in which the phrase appears .
20 There are unlikely to be many more than four situations in which the defendant 's case will rest on an application of the decision in Morgan , because his belief in consent was honest , though unreasonable .
21 Guidance is also proposed for situations in which the predecessor auditor 's report is to be re-issued .
22 There are , however , several situations in which the Commission is bound to pass information on to the competition authorities of member states .
23 In this context My Secret Life , with its vivid anecdotes describing sexual liaisons between masters and servant girls , offers an insight into the situation in which the opportunity for temptation , seduction and rape was often pervasive .
24 This way the buyer need not fear a situation in which the supplier will run out of essential stock , and the supplier can plan on the long term to optimise his conditions of supply .
25 Recession , in making people unemployed , weakens worker organisations and limits the utility of the strike weapon ( the only real weapon of labour ) because labour is reluctant to come out in a situation in which the hold on a job is precarious .
26 As the hours went past , senior army commanders and others persuaded Whitehall that the step would make the region ungovernable and create a situation in which the government would be soundly worsted .
27 The current situation in which the government , through party discipline , is able to control the House of Commons and absorb its powers unto itself is regarded as undesirable .
28 We will not tolerate a situation in which the Government are treated like a county council and a county council treated like the Government .
29 If the modern manic individual is uninhibited in the state of mania because , as Rado suggests , he has regressed to a state of psychic organization that existed in him at his mother 's breast and definitely before his superego formed , then we can see that the reason why the divine kings of early agricultural societies could be described as ‘ manic ’ lie in exactly similar conditions : a situation in which the ego is not constrained by the superego because their collective equivalents — primal father and mother on the one side , and the son on the the other — have become one in the person of the monarch ( who , in this respect , is decidedly and accurately described as an incarnation of the trinity ) .
30 What , Freud would regard that as a situation in which the ego had surrendered to the id and said okay eat the cake .
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