Example sentences of "walk [prep] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And remember that you are walking for the psychological benefits as well as the fitness and slimness benefits .
2 Walking through the ancient forest of Wychwood , EV Thompson steps back through the mists of time .
3 Now the Doctor 's companion , the woman and the android were walking through the dark corridors of the castle , trying to find some means of escape .
4 and one which , as he has noticed while walking through the great houses of the world , ‘ has given many an anonymous carver a little power over the grave . ’
5 Thanks to his hobby some splendid pictures of his son and daughter 's early life were preserved — on their tricycles , walking through the local park , playing with their cousins , skating and skiing , and some more imposing ones of them with the grown-ups — getting into the car while Kerry the chauffeur holds the door open ; looking very serious with the uncles and aunts , their mother appearing to be taken up with the idea of not being photographed with them !
6 AFTER SEVERAL more drinks we decided to test the theory by walking through the aforesaid precinct .
7 Winter days like today she imagined mad , anxious ghosts pacing the grass , walking through the naked trees , wailing at the misted water .
8 It struck me one day , walking through the busy market near her home , that I had n't thought about my weight for over a month , that I had been eating without really worrying about it , and that all sorts of desires were surfacing — that the protective layer of my obsession was peeling away .
9 That way , by walking between the long tables as if on a tour of inspection , they could view the prospects without embarrassment .
10 Impelled by an instinct greater than herself , Alice slunk forward , walking between the bent legs , looking that magical organ in the eye , caught by its immodest yet complex configurations .
11 Well I see him walking about the other day !
12 ‘ Me ! ’ cries Howard , walking about the upper roof garden of his converted dungeon .
13 And as Old Mother Potts would n't allow men visitors , and Len did n't like dancing , it had been pretty dreary just walking about the wintry streets together .
14 I thought of Biblical characters dressed in white flowing robes walking about the arid plains of Palestine or striding along the shores of the Sea of Galilee , making lepers leap into the air and hurl away their bells .
15 In the late afternoon , as he is walking past the Little Palace ( ***Bramante 1512 , chapel by Michelangelo , later additions by Bernini , Wren , Pugin , and van der Rohe ) , whistles begin to shrill , and policemen appear from nowhere to stop the traffic and hold back pedestrians from crossing the road .
16 A vehicle was heard in the alleyway , followed by the footsteps of either two or three men walking past the open door .
17 The great Felipe had not even been around and the servants had ignored the fact that the inglésa was calmly walking towards the great gates .
18 They clinked their glasses ; then Martin , walking towards the long window , said , ‘ It 's a good job I did n't become engaged ; you should n't get married at a time like this . ’
19 Her father , as anxious as Hoskins to possess a memento of the child , executed two stoneware portraits , one a figurine of a small bare-footed child in a loose calf-length shift walking towards the New Horizon , the other a naturalistic representation of the little girl dressed for her coffin ( Col. 5 ) .
20 Walking towards the High Altar there is a fine Assumption of the Virgin by Karel Škréta and to the right is a St Roch by F. X. Balko from 1767 .
21 Satisfied that the gun was ready for immediate use , Kirov transferred it discreetly to his jacket pocket before turning and walking towards the waiting figure of Ybreska .
22 Then , " I was walking behind the leading lady when she suddenly collapsed and water was dripping on her face .
23 For about fifteen minutes he did nothing but sit there contentedly , sipping his coffee and watching their restless , flickering scene around him through half-open eyes : the tall , bearded man with a cigar and a fatuous grin who walked up and down at an unvarying even pace like a clockwork soldier , never looking at anybody ; the plump ageing layabout in a Gestapo officers leather coat and dark glasses holding court outside the door of the cafe , trading secrets and scandal with his men friends , assessing the passers-by as thought they were for sale , calling after women and making hour-glass gestures with his hairy gold-ringed hands ; a frail old man bent like an S , with a crazy harmless expression and a transistor radio pressed to his ear walking with the exaggerated urgency of those who have nowhere to go ; slim Africans with leatherwork belts and bangles laid out on a piece of cloth ; a Gypsy child sitting n the cold stone playing the same four note again and again on a cheap concertina ; two foreigners with guitars an a small crowd around them ; a beggar with his shirt pulled down over one shoulder to reveal the stump of an amputated arm ; a pudgy shapeless women with an open suitcase full of cigarette lighters and bootleg cassettes ; the two Nordic girls at the next table , basking half-naked in the weak March sun as though this might be the last time it appeared this year .
24 When I was ready , I started walking into the shallow water away from Blefuscu .
25 Weary unto death , listless and depressed , Morvael abdicated by walking into the sacred flame of Asuryan .
26 ‘ I 've been away so long I felt a bit like the new boy walking into the old school when I arrived at the studio for Carry On Columbus , ’ he admits .
27 ‘ He said he was walking along the middle line so he could see where he was going , ’ said Mr Wellens , of Blue Ridge , Morton-on-Swale .
28 She did not like walking along the dark road , but she was not getting into a car with five blokes !
29 He 'd only got to be told by Charlie that he 'd be leaving the High Street by the bridge and walking along the local river . ’
30 He ‘ does n't drive much ’ : simply walking along the local village road gives him enough of the excitement of modern transport .
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