Example sentences of "hope that [noun pl] [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I was glad to read late in the article of the NRA 's positive attitude to the potential problem , and hope that farmers will take this as a sign that the task of improvement of farm waste management systems is not as dire in every case as many people would have us believe .
2 We hope that teachers will consult the volumes in this section for guidance on working with children with specific difficulties .
3 British industry is taking a clear interest in the opportunities that exist in Vietnam , and I hope that others will follow our example .
4 People abandoned hope that things would get better , fearing simply that change at the top would mean change at the bottom — for the worse .
5 Hope that things will get better seems to have been the Government 's main economic policy .
6 It is wrong that people should be able to abuse the social security contribution system , and I hope that Ministers will keep a close eye on the matter because the smart people who offer advice may be looking for further ways of getting around the regulations .
7 Shop stewards very occasionally may rely on power to ‘ bully ’ members on the shop floor ; most shop stewards hope that members will accept their guidance as industrial relations ‘ experts ’ and therefore exert influence through expert power .
8 Erm , that 's the reason Chair , er , on that , and I hope that members will accept the action that has been taken .
9 The Court of Appeal expressed hope that judges might give some help to juries in future about the real value of money .
10 We recognise the value of the experience , skill and other qualities that older workers bring to their jobs and we hope that employers will keep their employment practices under review . ’
11 At £12.50 the book is good value , and I hope that chemists will find it useful as an introduction to an area of growing interest and application .
12 In a period when car crime is a problem , I hope that manufacturers will begin to advertise cars using better security as a selling point .
13 But in politics one can not do such clever mathematical sums and hope that events will conform .
14 We hope that auditors will prove their critics wrong .
15 We believe that the advantages of insurance are so great that we hope that lenders will try to persuade their customers to take it , voluntarily .
16 Let us hope that others may do the same .
17 She did n't know what her mother was going to say when Wayne finally got her home ; she could only hope that things would improve along the way .
18 Now the planning application is for Waste Regulation rests with this Authority and I would emphasise that to members here that wh if you 're looking at the sites you must bear in mind that we are the waste Site Planning Application Authority and that you can not go and make progress in any direction without it coming to Committee here and I would hope that officers would bear in mind the sensitivity which has already been mentioned in agenda today but members will find that these applications er are addressed in their own district , in their own divisions .
19 And certainly , trade book publishing did not do at all badly in nineteen ninety one in a recessionary environment and erm , there are , as Frank has mentioned particularly within Penguin , quite a lot of internal restructuring has gone on and one would hope that margins would improve over the next few years as a result of that .
20 I would certainly I would certainly hope that men would become much less erm nervous and ashamed about expressing emotion erm and I would certainly hope that erm men learn as much as women do about erm how to look after children and how to bring them up , and I think there 's some evidence that that actually is happening .
21 The Association therefore wholeheartedly supports the venture and hopes that teachers will use the network to contact other teachers in their geographical are or locate colleagues who have a similar research interest .
22 Mrs V Hawkins mounted a display of photographs of Juniper Green past and present and hopes that others may add to what she would like to form a permanent record of the village .
23 Meanwhile , John Sharpe hopes that others will follow one ARA client which , as part of a move to create a smaller-scale working atmosphere and not generate plastic cups , has specified no vending machines at its new head office .
24 By separating responsibility for funding services from their provision , the Government hopes that providers will compete for contracts from health authorities , GP budget holders and private buyers of care .
25 By restoring the link between voting and taxation , the government hopes that voters will punish ‘ wasteful ’ or ‘ high-spending ’ councils .
26 A county council spokesman said it was hoped that councillors would agree to a site visit to see for themselves if lay-bys were necessary .
27 It is hoped that members will continue to support the Trust as generously as they have done in the past , in the knowledge that by responding to information mailed to them they are making a contribution to the Trust 's work .
28 As the year progresses it is hoped that companies will begin to feel confident enough to invest in new production and distribution facilities but the construction of new offices will remain subdued reflecting the stock of vacant buildings which still exist .
29 The conference will be held at Gleneagles Hotel from 11–13 November , and it is hoped that delegates will include , doctors , sports scientists , physiotherapists , coaches , athletes and administrators .
30 Ministers also hoped that employers would cut out overmanning and root out inefficiency , even if this led to a temporary surge in unemployment .
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