Example sentences of "either [art] [noun pl] or [art] " in BNC.

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1 either the contestants or the er dictionary judges .
2 Moreover , although the Party probably enrolled rather more members among workers , intelligentsia , and artisans than either the Mensheviks or the Bolsheviks in this period , the prime constituency towards which it turned — the peasantry — remained very difficult to organize .
3 It took the form of a combination of taped , structured interviews with members of the arts departments in each school , together with at least one representative from the senior management of each school These interviews were transcribed and cross-referenced with documentary evidence in the form of observations of actual teaching , departmental syllabuses and other written material that either the departments or the schools were able to provide ( for example , school handbooks ; curriculum statements ; assessment policies ; etc . )
4 Not only will the proposed reorganisation plunge local government into confusion and uncertainty for a number of years , during which we can expect little progress with the review and upgrading of old minerals permissions , but the resulting structure of small unitary authorities is very unlikely to deliver either the resources or the strategic perspective required to implement the proposed review .
5 She had no particular desire to see either the hills or the quarries .
6 A suggested clause to be included in either the Articles or the subscription and shareholders ' agreement is : A director of the company who has been appointed to the board by a member or class of members pursuant to the Articles of Association to represent the interests of that member or class of members shall , notwithstanding any rule of law or equity to the contrary , not be considered in breach of his fiduciary duty to act in the best interests of the company by reason only that in the performance of his duties and the exercise of his powers , he has regard to the interests and acts upon the wishes of that member or class of members when no honest and reasonable director could have formed the view that in so doing , the director was also promoting the interests of the company as a whole .
7 In both their life-style and their religious teachings , the Essenes were more rigorous and austere than either the Sadducees or the Pharisees .
8 I 've got two young sons as well , erm they two got took off me into foster care , and that was when I really had to decide it was the either the drugs or the children .
9 Further , his total avoidance of arianism is held to have made him more acceptable to the catholic Gallo-Romans , than were the other kings of his generation , and to have helped ensure that the Franks were more successful than either the Burgundians or the Visigoths .
10 The Social Democrats jumped to 44.8% from 38.8% and can choose to form a coalition with either the Greens or the Free Democrats , which is likelier .
11 The traditional career patterns followed in this country have not produced ministers or civil servants with either the skills or the experience to perform such a task ; and , moreover , business leaders would not welcome the loss of the freedom to run their affairs as they think best .
12 France decided not to rely upon either the Americans or the perfidious British — a reaction which was strengthened by the return to power of Charles de Gaulle ( May 1958 ) .
13 The combination of this group of activists with either the residents or the workers was likely to raise questions on the continued operation of the factory , rather than demands for it to be operated safely , as the activists refused to accept that it was possible to work safely with asbestos or other toxic substances , following their similar rebuttal of threshold limits for exposure to radiation in the anti-nuclear movement .
14 Everyone in this part of the world had obviously been fighting against either the Russians or the Yugoslavs , but the devil of it was that they were prepared to do anything rather than surrender to either of these armies . "
15 And I 've nothing adverse to report on either the buses or the trains .
16 And I 've nothing to report to you on either the buses or the trains . .
17 And I 've nothing to report to you on either the buses or the trains .
18 And it 's not been too bad in the rush hour on the er local public transport ; I 've no problems to report to you on either the buses or the trains .
19 In the nineteenth century the judicial system did not depend on either the headmen or the police for the initiation of criminal prosecutions , but on private individuals .
20 Too many companies enter foreign markets without analysing sufficiently either the customers or the competition in those markets .
21 All the metropolitan dailies published in 1855 as well as in 1870 were committed to either the Liberals or the Conservatives ; the same was also broadly true of the English provincial daily press .
22 Something , somewhere is irritating either the lungs or the airway or the back of the throat .
23 Hardly anyone in the packed congregations of about 1,500 people seemed to know either the hymns or the prayers .
24 Like the rest of us , he knew , or thought he knew , that in the 18th century ‘ the riot was probably a more effective curb on the government ’ than either the Lords or the House of Commons — ‘ England 's strongest countervailing force ’ .
25 ‘ I do not wish to see either the photographs or the article , ’ he said quietly .
26 They will make fewer awkward demands than either the Catalans or the Basques .
27 To ensure a sufficient depth of culture medium to fully immerse the embryos , it may be necessary to mount either the tubes or the rollers at a slight angle so that the medium stays in the bottom of the culture vessel .
28 If either the elections or the crisis had come in 1947 , then the contradiction probably would not have mattered .
29 And I 've nothing to report on either the trains or the buses .
30 As for the supposition that psychoanalysis favours and furthers personal autonomy , I can find little evidence for it among either the analysts or the analysands whom I have known , unless by autonomy is meant a retreat into a private ( and invariably middle-class ) world of minor emotional fluctuations .
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