Example sentences of "likely to [be] [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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31 If I remind you that you are a person who is aware , receptive to new ideas and willing to give them a try , then my suggestion that you buy Ecover is likely to be well received .
32 The the particular point that that I wish to pick up on though was from M Mr Curtis and his reference to erm the draft P P G thirteen , and whilst I 'd say that the point of the H B F that it 's only a draft publication at this stage , there 's in my view been too mu much over reliance on the reference in there to self containment , you see if we look at that particular paragraph , two point one two , it actually says avoid the development of small new settlements which are not to , sorry , I 'll start that again , avoid the development of small new settlements which are not be likely to be well served by public transport , or which will not be largely self contained .
33 The advantage of employing a specialist firm is that its tradesmen are more likely to be well trained and experienced in this field of building preservation , with a thorough and successful job being a more certain result .
34 The classroom that offers a pleasant and interesting environment for all the pupils working in it is likely to be well suited to the visually handicapped pupil as it will be to his fully sighted classmates .
35 Here two separate effects may be observed , firstly a distinctiveness effect where a single arousing item in a series is likely to be well remembered simply because it is different from the other items , and secondly an effect which has been described as similar to Easterbrook 's hypothesis in general task performance .
36 As he calls every week — and is likely to be well known to the neighbours too — he will get his money even if the local authority and fuel boards do n't get theirs .
37 The intentionally childless married woman was likely to be well educated , employed in a high status occupation , married to a husband in a professional or managerial job .
38 As they bind to similar DNA sequences and associate with the same proteins , they are likely to be closely related .
39 Although many sites and finds are still excavated , analysed and dated by the sorting of finds , and so on ( methods which are never likely to be completely replaced ) , numerous scientific methods of dating have now been developed .
40 • The patient 's perception of his environment and his response to it is likely to be grossly reduced , since he might be unconscious or paralysed , for example .
41 In either case , modernist or postmodernist , underlying strains , epistemologic or ontologic , are likely to be particularly focused by experience of foreign language or culture .
42 Since numbers of children on the streets or living in poor families have increased dramatically over the last decade and the extra resources for the Act 's implementation are likely to be strictly limited , demand for services is certain to outstrip supply .
43 Dynamic displays such as this make sites and finds more comprehensible , and are likely to be increasingly used at excavation sites and within museums in the future .
44 In future , modern technology is likely to be increasingly used in ways like this , presenting the results of archaeological research in a form that can be readily understood .
45 In as far as they were less likely to be increasingly forced to resort to bribery to obtain scant food supplies at a time when the official ration was totally inadequate , farmers were better off than their urban counterparts .
46 The Scottish data are the most recent and most reliable and they show that the lower socio-economic groups are more likely to be both admitted to hospital and to stay longer than the higher socio-economic groups .
47 On the one hand it would appear that they are less likely to be clearly subordinated to traditional patriarchal authority .
48 Individual trees are just as likely to be harmfully overshadowed by members of their own species as by members of other species .
49 As a consequence any isotopic effects generated by in situ decay are likely to be small compared with those inherited from asthenospheric heterogeneities .
50 The managers and the technicians ( then engineers ) were more likely to be locally based .
51 It is first necessary to recognize that some financial assets are closer substitutes for money than other financial assets , and so are the more likely to be immediately affected by a change in the money supply .
52 Even those directly engaged in industrial production are more likely to be immediately associated with a complex work process than with an identifiable product .
53 Moreover , among those who are involved in caring , women are more likely to be heavily involved and to undertake activities which are arguably more demanding and unremitting .
54 Local wildlife and agriculture are likely to be badly affected , environmentalists claim .
55 the following 13 are likely to be already answered or more readily addressed within a context of ‘ open-decision making ’ .
56 It can do this by using specifically attention-getting devices — enormous headlines in the press , rolls of drums , whistles or other unusual sounds on TV or radio , flashing lights on TV or cinema — but these are likely to be artificially imposed in the context of an ad .
57 One government , anxious to steam-roller its programme through , scheduled five such Bills in a single motion , for no better reason than that they were likely to be vigorously opposed .
58 Consequently , they are likely to be equally rejected by some black people who may say that they are not black enough , not in the colour sense of the term but in culture and attitude .
59 I 'm likely to be visually bombarded by a hugh variety of bird life , reptiles , possibly the odd mammal or two , and a stunning landscape .
60 I 'm likely to be visually bombarded by a huge variety of bird life , reptiles , possibly the odd mammal or two , and a stunning landscape .
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