Example sentences of "after [pron] have [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 The flesh of his forehead looked like pastry after someone has drawn a fork across it .
2 It was a beautiful sunny morning , and at eleven o'clock , after I had done a quick surgery , we chugged quietly out of the harbour , with Lucy at the controls .
3 When Panama City awakened , and after I had taken a small breakfast of pineapple , café con leche and a hard roll or two , I rented a small white Japanese car , acquired a map from the official cartographers who conduct their business under the curious name of the Instituto Geografico Nacional Tommy Guardia , and set out to look for Santa Fé , for William — and for the Pacific .
4 The confidence was knocked out of me after I had won a scholarship at the age of eleven and was sent to a school in Hampshire .
5 Instead , after I had anointed a few of the more important Poles with precious substances , I built a dam system .
6 ‘ Valerie , ’ the editor of the Mail on Sunday said to me once , after I had filed a neat and convincing piece on an earthquake the ground had trembled beneath me in Rome , where Lou was playing with the London Symphonic and a wall had fallen on top of me and trapped me for two hours — ‘ you are the mistress of controlled reportage .
7 At age seven I decided that I wanted to be a soldier , after I had watched a TV programme about the D-Day landings .
8 TWO WEEKS after I 'd made an appointment to see Neil Spencer ( editor ) with writing samples and DJ charts from the UK , it was time to hand in my first article for the beloved , much-worshipped NME .
9 " I thought you might want to break off the match after I 'd made an exhibition of myself . "
10 I can only say how much I cherished the " Well done , lad " , from him after I 'd taken a difficult catch in the deep off his bowling .
11 Give me a shellsuit , a pit-bull terrier and a wife to smack around after I 've had a few , and I 'm happy .
12 After I 've taken a few pictures .
13 He had learnt his craft the hard way ; after you had shot an Ibizan beach orgy sequence in a studio in Soho on a cold January morning with a load of complaining bimbos and a gay black man coked out of his brains , any other gig was a breeze .
14 What do you do after you 've written a biography of Christ ?
15 ‘ What sort of thing — talking to a woman after you 've spent a weekend in bed with her ? ’
16 We 'll discuss that after you 've took a look at
17 You 'll think more clearly after you 've had a break . ’
18 After you have run a machine you know the best way and we showed them quite a few things .
19 However , it can be possible for the documents to be signed after you have sent a payment by cheque provided that you arrange for us to hold the cheque and not pay it into the bank until we have received the signed Deed of Covenant .
20 Because choosing both the right type or investment and the particular institution with which you are likely to feel happiest is such an important decision , even after you have chosen a scheme you will have a 14-day cooling off period that gives you a chance to change your mind .
21 So avoid taking a vacation soon after you have acquired a puppy , especially if it means that you will need to place it in kennels .
22 The time is just after you have ordered a Forfar bridie .
23 Worse still , after she had made a little money from the publication of a pamphlet containing her beastly poems about him , she commissioned a rubber dress from ‘ her designer ’ .
24 She had become obsessed with Eliot and his work at the age of fourteen , after she had heard a recording of " The Journey of the Magi " : " It was extraordinary , " she said later , " that I felt I just had to get to Tom , to work with him . "
25 She smiled , patted Charlotte 's arm and walked slowly away , the clip of her heels on the marble floor lingering even after she had turned a corner and vanished from sight .
26 These elements were inspired by his own experiences during the break-up with Sandra after she had suffered a bad LSD experience in her search for enlightenment .
27 She could n't even feel resentful that he slept so peacefully after she had suffered a sleepless night of angst .
28 Later as she lay in that bed , after she had eaten a meal in a small cheap cafe in New Oxford Street , she squirmed between sheets of a kind she had never seen before , purple knitted nylon .
29 ‘ The salt cellar has a finger mark on it , Sarah , ’ said the housekeeper one morning , after she had spent an hour on the silver .
30 Mrs , my friend , Mrs Goreng was all over me after she 'd sobbed a bit over Kaptan .
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