Example sentences of "mind [prep] [noun prp] 's [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Rain could try and get some answers from Barbara Coleman when they held their whispered conversation before Chagall 's windows , but she must make up her own mind about Maurin 's character .
2 But Williams said there was no question in his mind about Hill 's ability despite the mounting pressure on him to deliver a victory .
3 The Irish Lions selector , Ken Reid , who arrived yesterday in Edinburgh for a selectors meeting , must have been in a reasonably good frame of mind after Saturday 's contest .
4 Looking back on the period when he was seriously searching as a fourteen-year-old ( and for a man with a mind of Russell 's breadth this was no ‘ mere adolescence ’ ) , he described it like this :
5 Do these schemata not transform the mind into Rumi 's house of many pictures ?
6 Framed her own mind in Adam 's will and learnt to sit patiently and wait for whatever happened next .
7 Set your mind on God 's kingdom and his justice before everything else and all the rest will come to you as well .
8 That argued a very profound knowledge of the royal mind on Hotspur 's part , and an even deeper confidence in its infinite will to justice .
9 It was a sobering thought , but one that was whipped out of her mind by Travis 's return .
10 As ever , he was in two minds about Clarac 's value to the project .
11 SOLO FLIGHT Manson Bluebird Things are cooking in the fertile minds of Britain 's guitar builders .
12 Uncertainties in the minds of Britain 's allies were increased by Jellicoe 's delay in making a report , and the German version of the battle , couched in biased terms , became widely accepted .
13 Democracy was still an idea in the minds of China 's students but their leaders had other priorities .
14 The truth was that , while large sections of the media were insisting that it was all terribly different in Scotland , and while some politicians managed to convince themselves that the constitution was the issue above all others in the minds of Scotland 's electorate , most Scottish voters were declining to have their agenda set for them .
15 The battle for the hearts and minds of Scotland 's Catholics is the subject of tonight 's feature on Christianity in Scotland .
16 Talking Heads and The Beat are caught live in LA while cover stars Simple Minds at London 's Lyceum create a ‘ rich , unnerving sound ’ according to our chap .
17 Talking Heads and The Beat are caught live in LA while cover stars Simple Minds at London 's Lyceum create a ‘ rich , unnerving sound ’ according to our chap .
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