Example sentences of "describe [art] [noun] as [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Mrs Smith described the problems as follows :
2 Lloyd George , whose penchant for the rhetoric of class warfare gives a misleading impression of his readiness for the reality of such conflict , described the budget as follows : ‘ This is a war budget .
3 The Finance Minister , Johannes Sumarlin , described the budget as representing government concern over " urgent need in various regions , primarily in eastern Indonesia " .
4 Photographers who flew over the area described the scene as resembling the aftermath of an atomic explosion .
5 The report presenting these figures stated that ‘ in many parts of the country facilities for residential care outside hospital are still nil or minimal ’ and described the provision as representing a ‘ gross shortage ’ .
6 The preamble instead described the treaty as marking " a new stage in the process of creating an ever closer union among the peoples of Europe " .
7 It remained to settle detailed agreements , but the Financial Times of Oct. 19 described the treaty as giving " a necessary minimum of coherence " for the visit of the G-7 delegation [ see above ] .
8 Both sides described the agreement as intended for " peaceful purposes " .
9 George Nicholson of Eversley described the actor as sliding down a lamppost whilst trying to measure it with his hands .
10 Pinochet , C.-in-C. of the Army , speaking before 1,500 officers at Santiago 's Military Academy on March 29 , described the report as having no " historical or legal validity " and opposed government plans to provide compensation for the families of the victims of repression .
11 Sir Michael Clapham described the process as subjecting them to ‘ regular viva voce examination ’ .
12 The defending solicitor tried to fault her on identification but she described the car as having a metallic paint job , wide wheels and a number of triangular stickers in the rear window ; she also thought that she could remember a couple of fluffy dice hanging from the rear-view mirror , and she gave the first three letters of the registration number .
13 Boris Ford , strongly opposed to the binary policy and the new role of the CNAA , described the policy as deriving its impetus from ‘ an oddly outmoded view of universities as remote , anti-professional and unresponsive to social needs ’ .
14 Mr Chad described the murder as premeditated .
15 Cheney described the cuts as based upon " fundamental changes under way in the world and Eastern Europe " and " dramatically altered circumstances from a fiscal standpoint " .
16 Witnesses entering Ein Rumaneh on Feb. 16 described the district as looking like a " cemetery hit by an earthquake " .
17 The Head of Drama described the organization as follows :
18 Major described the measures as marking " the latest stage in our drive to open up opportunities , to increase choice and raise standards in education and training " .
19 He described the Cabinet as split between ‘ bitterly opposed factions ’ led by Mr Hurd on one side and his successor as Home Secretary , Mr David Waddington , on the other .
20 Interestingly , Egypt described the Memorandum as changing the United States ' role from one of ‘ partner ’ ( but not party to the Peace Treaty ) to one of ‘ arbiter ’ which it considered inappropriate .
21 Reaction from opposition leaders was more muted and the Independent of April 10 described the parties as agreeing to support the measures " in the national interest " .
22 Algebraically we may describe the method as follows , where a t is the certainty equivalent for period t .
23 It describes the Polytechnic as dispirited , poorly led and understaffed .
24 Article 3 of the Constitution of the Soviet Union describes the principle as follows :
25 The ‘ Portadown News ’ report describes the church as occupying a commanding site and with the gable where the Memorial stones are placed facing the principal approach .
26 He once attacked a Government scheme to promote black businesses by describing the plans as favouring ‘ lazy West Indians at the expense of diligent Asians ’ .
27 By October 1986 the local press was describing the fleet as consisting of just 40 boats .
28 McEwan and Sylvester ( 1984 ) describe the work as beginning at the point where words fail by creating ‘ … evocations of mood and sensation more than visual records ’ ( p. 10 ) .
29 Lele describe the animal as follows : ‘ In our forest there is an animal with the body and tail of a fish , covered in scales .
30 You describe the trains as ambling along branch-line style .
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