Example sentences of "enough to [be] [adj] that " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Do you want to stay ? ’ she asked , still sober enough to be anxious that there should be no misunderstandings .
2 But we saw enough to be grateful that so much is being done to protect and conserve this rich heritage and , driving on lead-free petrol , we felt comfortable knowing that we were doing our bit .
3 But we saw enough to be grateful that so much is being done to protect and conserve this rich heritage and , driving on lead free petrol , we felt comfortable knowing that we were doing our bit .
4 Kelly knew Bill well enough to be certain that no one , least of all a new owner , would dictate to him which jockey to put up .
5 Godolphin knew Peccable well enough to be certain that until he 'd exhausted his supply of idols , relics and jujus from the fifth , and could make no more profit , he 'd stay put .
6 Of the incidence of poverty and famine we know comparatively little , but we know enough to be sure that both were common .
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