Example sentences of "sure [that] she [verb] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Jehana was trying so hard to demonstrate that she did not care for Alexei 's attentions that he was sure that she felt attracted to him .
2 But Albert was so sure that she had made a Will …
3 Julia was not at all sure that she had followed all the details of the story , and did not believe everything she had been told , but she did accept that Raffaella was genuinely afraid .
4 He shot a glance at Ellen , making sure that she had understood him as well as Thessy , then he looked at his watch and shouted for Bellybutton to start up one of the workboats .
5 Anne looked at her in amazement , not sure that she had heard aright , but Edie rattled on , ‘ I 'm beginning to think me Aunt Mary 's right to hate fellers . ’
6 But I was not sure that she had told me the whole truth .
7 Like Mrs Secretan , Elizabeth had married off a daughter , like her she had lived in fear ( then unfounded ) of cancer , and had felt uncomfortably sure that she had offended someone ; like Elinor Pringle she had filled up time in odd places , during short periods of being alone ; like Meg , she knew the fascination of the Thames estuary ; with Patrick Barlow she shared the accidie of the writer , and a love for the same sort of painting .
8 In contrast to the crescendo of fury from Downes , Morse 's voice was very quiet indeed , and beside him WPC Wright was not absolutely sure that she 'd transcribed his words with total accuracy .
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