Example sentences of "girl [pron] [vb mod] [not/n't] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 If I were a girl I would n't let a man go near me !
2 But because I am a girl I ca n't stop my brothers from doing wrong , so please help Kim to behave better so that there is no more trouble . "
3 Ask the girl I ca n't see it .
4 ‘ I do n't know of any Chinese girl who ca n't cook , and Malaysian girls inherit a cocktail of cultures which leads to some fantastic recipes , ’ Rex said .
5 I 've been so hoping you would soon be ready to join Brownies , but how can I pass over to a Brownie Guider a girl who wo n't lend a hand without being given something first and who does n't know the first thing about being obedient ? ’
6 Jesse Birdsall escapes the heat of Eldorado for an appearance and Specials beauty Kim Vitani appears in a bitter sweet story of a pregnant Asian girl who wo n't come out of the loo .
7 She felt like a bad child , a bad little girl who would n't give up .
8 We now have friends all over the country and I often think about the elderly disabled chap who would n't accept help to lift his canoe at portages or the young white faced girl who would n't give up though exhausted .
9 Once beyond the perimeter walls of the hacienda there was wilderness and danger for a young girl who could not see .
10 It would n't matter now what she , Dinah , did ; Robert Asshe would be hoping for an heir from the new wife , the young girl who could n't act .
11 Then there was Kayoko , the Girl Who Could n't Say No .
12 ‘ Just a girl who could n't say ‘ No ’ , ’ said Barney with a quiet irony that held a hint of resignation .
13 The man moved efficiently past a child who had succeeded in entangling her pony 's reins with her feet and who was being blasted for it by a girl who could n't have been more than sixteen , but was sounding like a woman three times her age .
14 I was propositioned by this absolutely stunning girl who could n't have been any more than seventeen .
15 The Vigilance Association for the Defence of Personal Rights , a radical anti-statist grouping whose members included some repealers , launched a counter-attack against the new act , complaining that : ‘ Miss Hopkins … is at present … crying for the wholesale kidnapping of little girls who may not have perfect domestic surroundings and their consignment to large prison schools . ’
16 There were girls who could n't walk backwards .
17 Girls who could n't get themselves a husband in this country were sent out to find one in the colonies and it seldom failed . ’
18 We are not going to use violence , we are not going to tell girls they ca n't go out and play in the streets , that they have to stay at home .
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