Example sentences of "decide that it [be] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 No wonder Americans have decided that it 's time for an end to non-interventionalist government .
2 The wind that day had been increasing with the approach of bad weather and the instructor , who had decided that it was time to stop , was towing the glider to the hangar .
3 Then his uncle had decided that it was time to send him to school .
4 Down at the one-time pavilion that was now the Venetz sisters ' lakeside restaurant , Angelica Venetz had decided that it was time for the big old mallard 's appointment in duck heaven .
5 He had decided that it was time to think things through and settle them once and for all , but whenever he started thinking about Zeinab thoughts became memories of touch and smell and look and emotion and he became most unsettled .
6 If 19 April 1023 saw expressions of anti-Danish feeling , Cnut could have decided that it was time for the situation to be defused by removing the body to Canterbury .
7 Women may feed their husbands or lovers with energy and then , after a while , change tack , deciding that it is time to draw the tide of emotional response towards themselves .
8 It had been , however briefly , a time when her body and her mind had fitted together so tidily and wholely that , waking up one morning and deciding that it was time to go back to Oxford and visit her mother , was neither traumatic nor casual , but straightforward .
9 And then , deciding that it was time to start dropping bombshells , ‘ Some actresses have continued acting well into the eighth month of pregnancy . ’
10 With about half a mile to go Elliott decided that it was time to make a move , and in a matter of a few strides Phar Lap had stormed up from last to first .
11 On his return to the USA Horton decided that it was time to try out some of his ideas , and to test them with the light of practical experience .
12 After more than ten years he decided that it was time he retrieved some of the money , so from 1921 to 1923 he put the wages of his chauffeur on Arsenal 's expense account and in 1926 charged the club £125 for hiring , over two years , a motor car .
13 We decided that it was time to start on Jack Nopps ' apricot brandy .
14 The latter decided that it was time to visit the bridge and examine the suspect area .
15 It was getting dark and the wind had freshened , the rain gusting through the length of the shed so I decided that it was time to pack up and head for the nearest hospitable pub where I had been told I would be able to get a good meal of hot pie and peas .
16 After lots of requests , the company decided that it was time to develop an armoured car for the average American .
17 The fact that the organisers decided that it was time to show Spanish Pop and the French New Realists made sense ; Martial Raysse has always seemed to me a very interesting artist , but he has been ignored outside France .
18 In late August I was finishing my day at the heart clinic , where I had been working for several months , when I decided that it was time to go .
19 We had several until I decided that it was time for me to sit on her lap .
20 That 's how I used to act , until I realized it was just a sham and I decided that it was time I was honest with myself .
21 Ace decided that it was time to fetch the Doctor .
22 There was once a king who decided that it was time for his son to marry .
23 So I decided that it was time to pack up I decided that the nights were made to sleep on n n n and I was going to sleep on them you see ?
24 With the greatest of reluctance , I decided that it was time I bought myself another detector .
25 Melissa decided that it was time to be sensible and practical .
26 After walking in the relative heat for two hours , we decided that it was time for a break , and this decision was reinforced when we spotted a river which looked perfect for a quick ‘ dip ’ .
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