Example sentences of "god 's [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Every Hellenistic hymn to Apollo came naturally to include an allusion to the god 's triumph over the Celts .
2 Beautiful as the creature is , and instructive as the study of its behaviour has been , the octopus did not prove to be god 's organism for the elucidation of memory .
3 Furthermore , asked to identify the researcher central to the project , it is odds on that the name they would come up with would be that of Eric Kandel , charismatic Howard Hughes Professor in the College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York , author of one of the key neuroscience text-books of the decades and prolific contributor to others , tireless and brilliant proselytizer for Aplysia as god 's organism for the study of memory , and for reductionism as the methodological and philosophical route to its understanding .
4 Israel 's special festivals , like the weekly sabbath , reflect a pattern of sevens — pointing back to God 's hallowing of the seventh day at the creation .
5 In this light , these appear less as vulgar reductions of the divine from a profane angle , but sharp satires , not so much of God 's ordinance of the cosmos , but rather of human understanding of the scope for salvation and damnation .
6 Wilt thou have this Woman to thy wedded wife , to live together after God 's ordinance in the holy estate of Matrimony ?
7 The restoration of humanity had begun , and God 's standard-bearer of the true kingdom had arrived .
8 It 's a privilege to meet with the students as they seek God 's direction for the future .
9 And , as we observed earlier , there are still people in Britain who can ascribe a fire caused by lightning in York to God 's wrath at the appointment of a somewhat outspoken bishop — as if , amid the violence , hatred , prejudice , insensitivity and menace of the modern world , God had nothing more pressing on His mind , nothing better to do with His resources .
10 Thus , the present state of the universe would be the result of God 's choice of the initial conditions .
11 But that fact does not make homosexual practice part of God 's plan for the human race , which is based on the loving , permanent relationship of one man and one woman .
12 The early Christians believed that it was God 's plan for the Jews to reject Jesus so that his death and resurrection could unite all people with God .
13 Pupils are receiving occult teaching , and are studying the science of life — before going out into the larger world to relieve the stress of humanity , to teach mankind the Divine Wisdom , God 's Plan for the World , Evolution — to bring happiness to the unhappy , peace to the warring , and the only true happiness is found through service and brotherhood .
14 Perhaps some of us knew before of God 's plan for the animals .
15 I know of a lovely teacher who told her boys and girls in school about God 's plan for the animals and they had a mother bunny in her cage right in the schoolroom .
16 But I must tell you of God 's plan for the people .
17 The commandments show God 's concern for the whole of life .
18 In a matter of a few days it seemed , I was crying unashamedly with other City Temple folk at a prayer service arranged by Dr Weatherhead to ask God 's mercy on the people of Czechoslovakia .
19 An awareness of God 's contrivance in the intricate designs of nature might confound the atheist , but it did not point him toward the God who had entered into covenant with sinful humanity .
20 The resurrection is God 's vindication of the apparent failure .
21 This may help someone who is struggling with God 's will for the future .
22 To all of them the story pattern of Mary 's assent to God 's will at the Annunciation , enabling the birth of his Son who was involved with suffering , death , but also with resurrection and ascension in time , discloses a means of re-ordering ( literally transforming ) their own experience .
23 It also concurred with his presentation of himself as a specifically warlike Messiah — a man who implemented God 's will with the sword and whose triumphs bore testimony to God 's favour .
24 God 's law in the Old Testament was a pointer to our sinfulness , and to our need for liberation .
25 Some few may write a Declaration , others may sign it , but they are stating what has been God 's law from the beginning , ‘ That all men are created equal … that … ’ ’ he paused and consulted his watch again , opening and closing the engraved case with a brisk snap .
26 Corbett realised that soon it would be Michaelmas and these were the Rogation Days when the priest blessed the soil and asked God 's help for the sowing and future harvest .
27 I want God 's forgiveness for the crime I committed ! ’
28 She could go her own way , or she must hand over that rebellious will , and seek God 's forgiveness for the years when she had been downright disobedient and pushed Him out of her life .
29 After the pig had issued its last piercing shriek , Agnes offered up a prayer asking God 's forgiveness with the excuse that , if she had n't killed the pig , Alisdair would have gone without his bacon .
30 As she committed her life once more to God 's service at the conclusion of one of the big meetings an old retired officer who had been specially invited knelt next to her at the mercy seat .
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