Example sentences of "god ['s] [noun sg] [conj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Miss J. has pretty well run him and now he 's doing a roaring trade and has just married a daughter of Lord Lytton , he 's evidently right in with the right lot of people … and what a God 's mercy that for once in a way these people have got hold of the right man and what a thing for England . ’
2 Because all believers are affected by these developments , each of us is called to adapt to changing situations and to discover effective and responsible ways to use the communications media for God 's glory and for the service of his creation .
3 Looking back on these campaigns at the end of her life , she defined the law as the chief agency for enacting God 's work and for abolishing the double-standard , which menaced the young and ultimately contributed to the disintegration of the state .
4 In chapter six of Emendatio Vitae he says that man must either be burnt in this life with the fire of God 's love and of tribulation ( the last being a means to proving the strength of the first ) or , after this life , bitterly in hell — a perception that Eliot transposes into a modern idiom in Little Gidding : We only live , only suspire Consumed by either fire or fire .
5 The gulf between this life and the next is bridged by God 's oneness and by his love and care over the living and the dead .
6 There can be little doubt , however , that a sense of God 's presence and of the supernatural in general were long-standing characteristics of Irish popular religion , along with magical and semi-magical local religious practices .
7 Maybe they simply see the ark as a visible guarantee of God 's presence and of victory , but that understanding of it is no better , for then they turn it into an idol , ascribe to it magical powers , and leave us asking why they did not take it into battle in the first place .
8 Now I 'm not quite sure whether it 's because we 've known , like Naomi , we 've we know periods of barrenness and leanness that his blessing seems so much more , I do n't know if that 's what it is , or whether it is just because his blessings are so bountiful , but she is overwhelmed by God 's goodness and by God 's blessing to her they could now experience God 's blessing .
9 The emphasis on God 's revelation and on the faith that apprehends it raised the further question of what theology itself can speak about directly — the revelation , or merely faith 's apprehension of it ?
10 In any difficult situation we can know that when we have done what 's in our power to do , we can place our problem into God 's hand and into God 's care , knowing that he perhaps has other hands to take up our work that we have done all we can do with .
11 Every invisible spirit is either on God 's side or on Satan 's side .
12 But the Baptism of Jesus did not merely see the end of the long silence , and God 's declaration that in Jesus the role of the Servant and the Son had converged : the age-long drought of the Holy Spirit was ended too .
13 It seemed that this could only have happened by God 's grace and with his approval .
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