Example sentences of "decision [subord] [prep] [conj] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Recent decisions as to whether to grant leave to go to judicial review , and High Court determinations , suggest that much hinges on the court 's interpretation of statutory duties and points of law .
2 Residential workers need to take part in the decisions as to whether to admit children to care , and , if so , when and on what basis .
3 Although it might be very easy to steal from a friend or colleague and not get caught most people would feel this to be ‘ wrong ’ , yet such feelings may not exert such a strong influence over decisions as to whether to steal from a larger and less personal victim .
4 Shall we say then that he has drifted spontaneously through the crisis without ever making a rational decision as to whether to go or not ?
5 And , in a few weeks when he sees how business is going , he will make the decision as to whether to confirm you in the part or to recast . ’
6 They 're too embarrassed to actually part with them and so you have this very difficult decision as to whether to insist that you have their laundry or whether you allow them to go on doing that , causing them to live in a smelly environment .
7 Part of the decision as to whether to justify text or not should rest on the type of product that is being produced .
8 In any event , we would suggest that a decision as to whether to advertise the opportunity is deferred at least until you have had an opportunity to review the output of the earlier search activity .
9 The county council tenant must be left to manage his business and land as he sees fit and this includes his individual conscious decision as to whether to allow fox hunting across his land .
10 We would stress that although we can advise on the pros and cons of each offer , the final decision as to whether to proceed and with whom rests ultimately with Mature Business PLC 's shareholders .
11 Two methods of preparing the potencies , the Hahnemannian and the Korsakoff , exist and the decision as to whether to use high or low potencies varies with the type of illness present and the prescriber .
12 And had the latter been the case , Churchill , almost his only substantial political ally of 1936 , would in 1940 have been confronted with a very awkward decision as to whether to intern his sovereign .
13 The reason for this is straightforward , since if the established firm is in the position of already having sunk its fixed costs then it is naturally in a better position than the potential entrant , because the cost of the equipment is irrelevant to the decision as to whether to produce .
14 The president is taking the key decision as to whether to increase his forces in the Gulf and to switch from a defensive to an offensive posture .
15 The holders ' decision as to whether to convert the debt will take into account the interest forgone by such a decision .
16 So it 's pretty , it 's pretty er er and in fact some of these , these flocks who were grazing at the er w where just above that er that limit only just but just slightly above it so , so but in fact i if the farmers er grazed their sheep er further down the hillside er then in fact the , the er er the level dropped very rapidly and the sheep were then erm so it was a , a commercial decision as to whether to keep your sheep up on the hills to , to eat radioactive grass and get the compensation or to graze your sheep further down and actually the , the lamb the , the , the lambs for , for , for for the market .
17 The holder 's decision as to whether to exercise the option will depend on the relative values of the shares to which he would be entitled on conversion and the cash receivable , including the premium , on exercise of the option .
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