Example sentences of "decision [verb] [conj] [to-vb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 By contrast , within EC policy the element of political discretion is much less , since the decision to permit or to forbid an investigated merger is a matter for the administration .
2 This knowledge can direct decisions to attempt or to abandon a particular opportunity .
3 In addition , personal tutors receive copies of their tutees ' records and timetables , and admissions tutors receive regular and on demand analyses of applications data to support their decision making and to assist the meeting of both individual field and overall Course intake targets .
4 But for all these criticisms there was still a serious and effective attempt to involve the best minds in the country in laying a foundation for curriculum decision making and to provide an instrument to ensure that detailed curriculum plans reflected this .
5 If an authority has decided to do an act which is allegedly illegal but has not yet done it then , of course , the applicant will want to challenge the decision to act and to obtain an order instructing the authority not to carry out its decision .
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