Example sentences of "affect by [det] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Skin is affected by many factors including genetics , age , environment and attention — or lack of it .
2 Clearly therefore lone mothers are not all the same and what they experience as lone mothers will be affected by many factors including age , race , class , family relationships and so on .
3 The truly happy person is not affected by many types of irritation and stress .
4 Nor are all areas of public policy equally affected by such methods of policy-making ( Newman 1981 , Ch. 6 ) .
5 The modern history of the Catholic Church has been immensely affected by that chain of events .
6 Other desert flora and fauna have also been adversely affected by this type of activity as well as the use of dune-buggies and jeeps .
7 Roughly speaking , the parts of England most affected by this type of planning form a great belt which sweeps round from Flamborough Head on the Yorkshire coast , down through the Midlands as far as the Dorset coast , and thence north-eastwards along the chalk uplands to the Norfolk coast .
8 There is no system of health care delivery that has not been adversely affected by this fragmentation of people and their services .
9 Thus ( presumably unfairly ) the UK ‘ would be more affected by this part of the Directive than other states . ’
10 The identity of those annalists is important too : they reflected the views of Lothar and of Louis the German , whose interests were adversely affected by this grant to their young half-brother .
11 Of all of the First Spiritualists , he was the only one who seemed , in some way , to have been affected by this business with my dad .
12 Man 's relationship with the animal kingdom and with the natural world as a whole is also affected by this belief in the essential unity of all that exists .
13 I will go on to look at some developments of the Mannheimian legacy , in particular the work of the social constructionists and at the end of the chapter I shall comment on some aspects of Mannheim 's project affected by this series of responses to his work .
14 However , any observer who remained outside the black hole would not be affected by this failure of predictability , because neither light nor any other signal could reach him from the singularity .
15 , B-blocking agents have been associated with similar effects ( Dodson , 1982 ; Pacy et al , 1984b ) , but HDL-cholesterol levels were not affected by either group of drugs in diabetic subjects ( Dodson , 1982 ; Pacy et al , 1984 b ) .
16 Eighth — The parties will use their best endeavours to conclude a definitive agreement governing all important aspects of the Foundation Charter , the loan agreement and other relevant matters signed by all bodies affected by these arrangements within three months and also to establish the Spanish Private Cultural Foundation and execute the Loan Agreement of works of art and all related documents within that time .
17 A spokesman for the unit said : ‘ Every council in the country is affected by these miscalculations to some extent .
18 Other species of animal are affected by these sorts of organism — horses suffer from a sexually transmitted disease due to Trichomonas equus .
19 But the first two pairs were on adjacent lanes three and four and so were not affected by any inequality in the lanes .
20 These creatures may be just human beings , or just animals or a mixture of both , but which , in this instance , and ignoring for the purposes of this chapter those deviations which we call perversions , are not affected by any element of sexual attraction .
21 A study of how people react in real life when affected by any kind of emotion and mood soon reveals how the movements of the whole body can change .
22 We use oil in so many different ways in our lives that our lives are going to be affected by any crisis in the area where the oil is produced .
23 It is no exaggeration to say that every committee , every department of every local authority , in Britain will be affected by some aspect of the 1992 process .
24 The ultrabasic rocks have been extensively affected by several phases of hydrothermal alteration .
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