Example sentences of "couple of [noun] [noun pl] in " in BNC.

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1 I fondly imagined little Doris among her busy lizzies and lazy susans , in racoon hat and frontier dungarees , working the pump , fixing the roof , with half-a-dozen nails and a couple of briar pipes in her syrupy mouth .
2 The paintwork was black , the walls covered in silver foil ; each of a line of doorways blazed with about a thousand watts of brilliance and there was a smell of greasepaint and cleansing cream that she had n't encountered since having a couple of bit parts in school plays .
3 Digithurst is currently negotiating with a couple of potential customers via consultants — a couple of newspaper companies in the UK , and a satellite television firm in Germany .
4 ‘ We had been playing a lot of country and blues songs before we started to play a couple of Hendrix numbers in the set and it just caught on so we added more , ’ said Slim .
5 Parish A couple of parish councils in Nottinghamshire have been very happy to let my Dad record their open meetings .
6 Director William Sterling had spotted a Sunday magazine photograph of her taken by Lord Snowdon , arranged to meet her and shortlisted her with two other girls to meet Shaftel ; after a couple of screen tests in full costume , she was offered the role .
7 ‘ I shall plant a couple of almond trees in the garden , ’ he decided , some time later .
8 While Martin Pipe could have a couple of Lingfield winners in Celcius and Lonely Reef , his regular jockey , Peter Scudamore , has been claimed by Charlie Brooks , who hopes to have a double at Uttoxeter with Espy and Roscoe Harvey .
9 I thought it was from generator to a pipe , couple of hand brakes in there .
10 As I made inroads into both , I sussed the other punters and though the place was fairly quiet there were a couple of city gents in suits talking earnestly and drinking fast .
11 ‘ Other companies have made good discoveries near our northern concession , ’ said Stephen Cooper , exploration supervisor in Central Region , ‘ and Cepsa , the Spanish company , is planning to drill a couple of appraisal wells in the near future . ’
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