Example sentences of "for [pron] was [adv] [that] " in BNC.

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1 Here he began to crystallise the wisdom of some of his best poetry , writing and songs ; for it was here that he was reborn , where he truly began to find himself ; where , not least , the music of Greece entered his soul , evoking earlier memories and melodies , combining with them to suggest a new style , a new mystique .
2 Not far distanced from the council , in England at any rate , was Parliament , dominated for much of the fourteenth century by the peerage ; and in that body , too , matters of policy and national finance were frequently discussed , for it was there that kings liked to benefit from the practical experience of men who had taken an active part in war .
3 For it was there that Beethoven had enhanced the German grandeur of his music with the words of Schiller 's Ode to Joy and thus took the first step towards reintegrating poetry and music as equal partners in a new and sublime unity .
4 This began before the war , from the time of the Munich agreement in 1938 , for it was then that the Communist Party was made illegal .
5 For it was then that I felt the first healthy flush of anticipation for the many interesting experiences I know these days ahead hold in store for me .
6 These end-of-day meetings were very important , for it was then that we reviewed our progress , comparing our morning 's expectations with the fruits of our labours .
7 Arguably , however , his most brilliant work was done during the many months of relative inactivity that followed , for it was then that he remoulded his demoralized command into a confident , compact fighting unit .
8 The date of this burial , around 1380 BC , may be very significant , for it was then that the Labyrinth was virtually abandoned and the development of Minoan culture took a new direction .
9 For it was then that the Vietminh had in one quick stroke taken over the nationalism of the country , that Ho had achieved the legitimacy of power . ’
10 She liked the morning best , for it was then that she and the three other women who formed a team for one section of the building did the rooms , emptying waste-paper baskets , running a duster over desks , and vacuum.cleaning floors .
11 The 19th century was an especially important period , for it was then that many of today 's Territorial Army units were formed .
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