Example sentences of "attention [modal v] [adv] [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Attention must also be paid to the landscape setting of follies .
2 Cholesterol in the blood is mainly transported by LDL , and attention must therefore be focussed on LDL metabolism .
3 The closest attention should also be given to the contents of such national museums as the British , Ashmolean , Science , Victoria & Albert , London , and the Fitzwilliam , all of which have incomparable collections of artifacts , documents , books , and all manner of relevant material .
4 Attention should also be given to Anglo-American discussions over the importance of the Near and Middle East in the context of a Soviet threat which was believed to extend from Western Europe to Asia Minor .
5 Some attention should also be paid to the amount and quality of teaching that goes on .
6 Attention should surely be directed towards eliminating such anomalies , rather than entrenching them further into the law .
7 Attention should increasingly be focused on how resources are used — the effectiveness and appropriateness of health service interventions — studying the distribution of indications for health care as a means of increasing not only efficiency but also equity within the context of democratically driven priorities .
8 If selection is difficult then more attention should probably be paid to generating further alternatives which are more attractive or combine features .
9 Less attention should probably be paid to levels than difference effects , as it seems likely that the levels are partly illustrating the long run trends ( largely upward ) in eurobond issuance .
10 An extreme form of this alternative view is to argue that an economy such as the UK 's has no national cohesion at all and our attention should therefore be focused on the way in which supranational world economic forces affect us .
11 Attention might particularly be drawn to Council Decision 90/141 on the attainment of progressive convergence of economic policies and performance during stage one of EMU , and Council Decision 90/142 amending the previous legislation on the Committee of Governors of the Central Banks of the Member States of the European Community .
12 With the Tories also there , attention could eventually be shifted away from the old disputes and onto the business of who governs the state and in whose interest .
13 All attention could now be given to negotiation and to preparing for war rather than continuing the sterile debate on how it had all come about .
14 In approaching the identification and management of child abuse cases as a journalist my attention would probably be focussed on a few ‘ sensational ’ cases , where something has gone dramatically ‘ wrong ’ and which are subject to an enquiry .
15 Attention will also be given to whether pro-development objections are more likely to succeed than anti-development ones .
16 In addition attention will also be given to having sufficient purchases to meet the demand of customers .
17 Attention will also be paid to changes in seasonal and yearly unemployment , the decline of traditional apprenticeship , changes in employment and hiring practices affecting the position of young people , labour mobility and supply , the operation of the old and new poor laws , and demographic and social changes in the family during this period .
18 Attention will also be paid to sources of ideas about food , such as the media , and health professionals .
19 Special attention will also be focused on the extent to which development took place on land previously in rural uses as opposed to re-cycled urban land and the role of national and local planning policy in steering development to particular locations .
20 Attention will mainly be directed to the towering mass of Middleton Fell on the west side of the valley , very steep slopes ruling out any thought of ascent ; Barbon High Fell , rising on the east , is also uninviting although easier of access .
21 The main premise is that the corporatist strategies developed almost universally by authoritarian regimes in order to organize and control civil society , serve simultaneously to create the political context for popular responses ; and special attention will therefore be paid to the ways in which unions , community groups and parties find the political space to organize within the institutions of these regimes .
22 Nevertheless the policy initiatives have focused on the inner cities and attention will now be directed towards the impact of Conservative policies upon the allocation and utilisation of resources in these areas .
23 Attention will now be focussed on correctly terminated ladder filters in which Z 1 and Z 2 are pure reactances , for practical approximations to these networks are widely used .
24 To understand the model and its adaptation to different environments , attention will initially be given to definitions , roles , and communication gaps .
25 So far , tropical moist forests provide little more than 10% of the total wood used as solid wood and pulp , but as temperate forests become depleted or increasingly under pressure of the ‘ environmental ’ lobby to be managed for functions other than production , attention will inevitably be focused on the tropical resources .
26 The likely £160,000-plus list price will of course narrow the clientele down somewhat , but particular attention will still be paid to circumvent any speculative purchasers .
27 It seems that human attention can only be sustained for a very limited time by any subject , even the prospects of its own destruction .
28 These notions of the automatisation of processes which no longer require close monitoring are described in more detail in Underwood ( 1982 ) , but for the present purposes it is sufficient to note that attention can only be devoted to higher-level activities , such as comprehension , when lower-level activities have become skilled through practice .
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