Example sentences of "attention [modal v] [be] [vb pp] to " in BNC.

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31 So great had been the pace of development that the Commission was also recommending that attention should be turned to the much more complicated task of establishing a genuine economic union .
32 My Executive is of the opinion that it is essential both for winning and retaining Parliamentary seats that special attention should be given to the whole subject … .
33 The government 's advice to those engaging in casual sexual relations to use a condom to reduce the risk of contracting AIDS has rendered the suggestion in the Circular that contraception is a ‘ controversial ’ subject only to be discussed when pupils ask questions about it somewhat inappropriate , as well as inconsistent with the later advice in the Circular that in sex education ‘ particular attention should be given to … ways in which risks [ of infection with AIDS ] may be avoided or lessened ’ .
34 Proper attention should be given to ensuring that the conditions for the interview are as relaxed as possible .
35 So special attention should be given to any unusual contract terms you may be called upon to agree to in case these make the contract illegal .
36 When the child takes the occasional mouthful she can smile and praise but otherwise no attention should be given to the food refusal .
37 Because this approach appears to generate some undesirable side-effects , this chapter concludes by arguing that closer attention should be given to more direct ways of influencing migration patterns .
38 Urgent attention should be given to developing British Standards for all types of closure so that legislation can be brought into force .
39 Particular attention should be given to accessibility so that an accumulation of inflammable materials , ( liquids , greases and rubbish ) can be easily seen and cleared away and areas likely to cause fire or overheating problems — electrical relays , switches , hot bearings , etc. can be easily inspected .
40 Special attention should be given to the design , maintenance and illumination of areas used at night to avoid accidents , especially to visitors who are n't familiar with the layout of the garden .
41 It suggested that more attention should be given to multicultural matters in both initial training and in-service training of teachers , and the effectiveness of racism awareness training should be investigated .
42 Particular attention should be given to finding and identifying the larger epiphyses as these are more likely to be preserved .
43 Particular attention should be given to :
44 Whether information fell within this implied term to prevent its use or disclosure by an ex-employee depended on the circumstances , and attention should be given to the following : a ) the nature of the employment , b ) the nature of the information , c ) whether the employer stressed the confidential nature of the material , d ) whether the information could be easily isolated from other material the employee was free to use .
45 Particular attention should be given to those grounds for expulsion which depend upon the partners making necessarily subjective assessments about their colleagues ( level of performance , observance of the spirit of the partnership etc ) where the issues are rarely clear cut .
46 Perhaps not surprisingly , the ‘ new ’ criminologists insisted that attention should be redirected to the definers of crime .
47 The recommendation following from this diagnosis is that more attention should be directed to developing these kinds of competence in initial training , not least with regard to teachers spending more time on becoming more skilled and knowledgeable in their own subject specialisms .
48 In doing this , attention should be paid to the following factors .
49 Attention should be paid to ways of enhancing physical esteem , particularly in girls , and reducing early pressures to aspire to an unlikely body shape . ’
50 Rauwolfia is often quoted as an example by those who think that more attention should be paid to indigenous plant remedies .
51 Particular attention should be paid to the double row , to hay lying in the shadow of trees and hedges , and to the inevitable lumps at the corners .
52 Throughout the second stage , attention should be paid to the reference as well as lending stock .
53 Therefore , some authors have suggested that plasma lipid levels are a further test of diabetic control , and if abnormal levels are detected careful attention should be paid to improving blood glucose control .
54 Suitable attire is essential ; careful attention should be paid to the weather and its forecast ; and extra rations and a heat-reflective sheet for warmth must be carried if there is any possibility of encountering adverse environmental conditions .
55 Particular attention should be paid to facilitating communication between the partners , especially in the treatment sessions .
56 During training , particular attention should be paid to psychosocial assessment in view of the nature of the act and potential problems associated with it , such as risk of suicide , risk of repetition , and presence of psychiatric disorder .
57 Particular attention should be paid to the lower spine and leg muscles — they remember every step of the way .
58 Particular attention should be paid to the water , as it requires a good acid condition .
59 As this species demands a fair amount of nutrients , special attention should be paid to this aspect regularly .
60 Attention should be paid to environmental factors which will aid the child ( details of which are suggested in Chapter 2 ) .
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