Example sentences of "rest of the [noun prp] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Unionists want methods of legislating for Northern Ireland to be brought into line with those for the rest of the United Kingdom .
2 Perhaps most significantly of all , the Irish Free State , now the Republic of Ireland , has come into being as an independent sovereign state distinct from the rest of the United Kingdom .
3 They would set the treatment of children in trouble in Scotland apart from the rest of the United Kingdom .
4 Approximately 26 per cent of the male ‘ head of household ’ population are in socio-income groups ‘ A ’ or ‘ B ’ , compared with 15.1 per cent for the rest of the United Kingdom .
5 Scotland would have , proportionately to the rest of the United Kingdom and on the basis of the relevant 1987 figures , 30 constituency and 30 list MPs .
6 By comparing the history of Northern Ireland with that of the rest of the United Kingdom it is clear that the mere fact of elections is not sufficient .
7 The Welsh Health Planning Forum has developed differential targets along these lines for the NHS in Wales , but in general the rest of the United Kingdom has not progressed so far .
8 Mr. Raffan : As the review referred to a much higher incidence of heart disease , strokes and most forms of cancer in Wales compared to the rest of the United Kingdom , will my right Hon. Friend assure the House that the Health Promotion Authority for Wales will have a much higher profile than it has had and a budget to match ?
9 As minister of labour he was concerned that the government should not become totally identified with the Unionist Party and was determined that people in Northern Ireland should have the same standards of living as those in the rest of the United Kingdom .
10 As in the rest of the United Kingdom , education is one of the highest spenders ; only Health spends more .
11 Unlike those in the rest of the United Kingdom , Northern Ireland 's local educational authorities , the Education and Library Boards , receive all their funding from central government , here the Department of Education Northern Ireland ( DENI ) .
12 The Government remain fully committed to the Union between Scotland and the rest of the United Kingdom .
13 Does my hon. Friend agree that , now that the Conservative party is formally represented in Northern Ireland and will have candidates in the next general election there , we should remove the anomaly whereby Northern Ireland citizens — who are of course British subjects — have to follow the rest of the United Kingdom ?
14 If the pattern in Northern Ireland is the same as in the rest of the United Kingdom , the Minister will know that the number of persons there subsequently convicted under the Act is very small .
15 Will he confirm that his answer does not imply that the standards applied in Northern Ireland will be different from those in the rest of the United Kingdom ?
16 per head higher than the rest of the United Kingdom which would be jeopardised by any change in the constitutional arrangements .
17 Does my hon. Friend agree that the CBI , in Scotland and in the rest of the United Kingdom , is keen to see flexibility in our social standards and would not wish Scotland to be signed up to a social charter restricting the freedom of workers and employers alike , who look forward to continuing to be a magnet for inward investment from Japan and from the rest of the European Community ?
18 The calendar year just finished , 1991 , brought new record levels of inward investment to Wales from overseas and the rest of the United Kingdom .
19 Although Northern Ireland 's economic prospects are closely linked to those of the rest of the United Kingdom , the Northern Ireland economy has fared better than that of almost any other United Kingdom region in recent years .
20 As the Minister says , the Northern Ireland economy is closely linked to that of the rest of the United Kingdom .
21 The rest of the United Kingdom now seems to be beginning to move out of recession ; is it not true that Northern Ireland is about to move deeper into it ?
22 I welcome the fact that the hon. Gentleman has brought to the attention of the House and of the world outside the fact that Northern Ireland has so much to offer as an area for investment , both from the rest of the United Kingdom and from beyond .
23 I am sure that it will be fully appreciated by the people of Scotland when they assess the parties ' policies at the election , including the policies of those who advocate a lesser or greater degree of Scotland 's separation from the rest of the United Kingdom .
24 I do not believe that that prescription is in the interests of Scotland or of the rest of the United Kingdom .
25 As a unionist with very good reason for having the warmest of feelings towards Scotland , may I ask my right hon. Friend to make it absolutely clear to anyone who wishes to establish an institution in Scotland with legislative powers over certain areas of policy that , regrettably , it would be totally unacceptable for any Scottish Member of the House to have any say , vote or control over areas of policy in the rest of the United Kingdom ?
26 I understand the emotional pull that devolution has for people in Scotland , but I hope that every Scot will examine very carefully what it would mean in practice for Scotland and for the rest of the United Kingdom .
27 If they seriously believe that in the context of the present constitutional crisis between Scotland and the rest of the United Kingdom they can introduce what are crude and dangerous league tables into Scottish education — and do so by means of a single clause tacked on at the end of an English and Welsh Bill which is otherwise wholly irrelevant to Scotland — they have taken leave of their collective senses .
28 If so , Scotland has a different approach to such matters from that of the rest of the United Kingdom .
29 We have immense regard for the way in which he conducts himself not only in Leicester but in the rest of the United Kingdom and on behalf of the United Kingdom abroad .
30 higher than in the rest of the United Kingdom .
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