Example sentences of "point [adv] [that] we [verb] " in BNC.

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1 We would like to point out that we manufacture a range of acrylic varnishes and acrylic floor coating for domestic and industrial use , which are completely safe to use and are non-hazardous .
2 We hope it will be sufficient to point out that we draw from Becker , via Pollner and others , the useful contrast between ‘ inside ’ and ‘ outside ’ models .
3 It is interesting to point out that we found in 50% of patients with gastrooesophageal reflux without oesophagitis ( Grade 0 ) , a hypotensive lower oesophageal sphincter which suggests that the decrease in sphincter pressure comes before the inflammatory or tissue damage .
4 Wedgie [ Tony Benn ] then made what I found a very effective speech , pointing out that we had got to look at the problem in domestic as well as international terms .
5 She points out that we know little of the differential impact of changing material circumstances on different kinds of tending , and is surely right when she argues that it would be ‘ useful and interesting to discover how long term unemployment alters conjugal roles as far as caring is concerned ’ .
6 He points out that we need to distinguish between the contribution that research can make to policy and that which it can make to social work practice .
7 He rightly points out that we need more ladies toilets and if you know you get the chance to use the ladies loo it 's cleaner and better looked after than the men 's , I 've heard .
8 And I think we it was poin pointed out that we 've got enough to do er sorting out the local government situation in Northumberland and I do n't disturb the other other industries as it were .
9 It must be pointed out that we had already hoped to make at least £1000 at the Annual Reunion so this means a bigger and better Christmas Fayre and a rise in the cost of tickets .
10 In our society it has been pointed out that we do not always give due credit to the ladies who provide the refreshments at our meetings , and yet the coffee break is an attractive part of the evenings , the time when we can chat about the talk and other railway topics .
11 Innocently I point out that we 'd better return the key to him , since if we leave the flat unattended he could say we stole his best furniture .
12 We may have a system of " one person one vote " , but Liberals and Social Democrats point out that we do not yet have a system of " one person one vote one value " since some votes are more equal than others .
13 This really is committee work but I , it does occur to me that mention it that erm , if in our advertising we point out that we have a car park attendant and if that car park attendant were to let one slip through his fingers me were , we may well then be liable to be sued by the person who
14 And , yes , Edward could point out that we live in a time when the very meaning of the word myth has been debased , that it has come to signify only what is untrue , false , misleading ; and , yes , I could largely agree that it is nevertheless by myths we live , and what matters is how large the contrary truths a myth reconciles in its embrace .
15 ‘ And I would point out that we have just completed a development squad tour that has taken in Western Samoa , Fiji and Tonga and comprised a black management and a large percentage of black players in the squad . ’
16 May I point out that we have n't had a monarch in residence here since sixteen hundred and three .
17 Vicky pointed out that we had deposited our own jewellery in the safe in our room and that other guests had probably done the same .
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