Example sentences of "further/far and [adv] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The object of these exercises was sometimes to try and get a change of policy , sometimes to indicate alarm should certain lines of policy be carried further and sometimes so that the critics can signal their feelings to sections of the party outside Parliament ( Left-wing MPs , for instance , use this method to get support in the annual elections to the National Executive Committee of the party from activists in the constituencies ) .
2 More people travel further and more easily than ever before .
3 IF the explanation of the evolution and distribution of the lion , tiger and leopard is correct , then the leopard spread out further and more successfully than the other two members of its genus .
4 My preference when fish are feeding hard on the bottom is for the fixed paternoster which , due to the lead being at the extreme end of the line , casts further and more accurately than any other set-up .
5 ‘ This government has taken Britain into Europe further and more irrevocably than any previous government .
6 Fogarty was left to move further and further ahead as Joey Dunlop took up the challenge , then Robert Dunlop made up ground rapidly after being seventh at the end of lap one , and by the end of the second lap it was Joey ahead of Robert to initiate a battle which continued until the end of the race when Robert just squeezed ahead .
7 The young remain with their mother until a new baby is born , after which they wander further and further away until the parental bond breaks down completely .
8 But slowly the quarrels grew further and further apart as Oswin taught Topaz to play chess , throw the dice , and handle a pack of cards like an expert .
9 The crowding pushed Izzie and the Mason further and further forward until the parson had his back pressed against the altar .
10 Africa was fe falling further and further behind but things are changing economic and political form is taking root across the continent and showing return .
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