Example sentences of "catch up [prep] an [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She tried to pull away , but as she moved her head it brought her closer to his mouth , and when his lips touched hers she was lost , caught up in an explosion triggered by his touch .
2 Soon the family get unwittingly caught up in an attempt by an extreme IRA faction to blow up a limousine carrying one of the Royal family .
3 She and the photographer she works with are caught up in an investigation that shakes her out of her complacency — and into the shadowy world of covert operations against the dictatorship .
4 Every step is a chance to meet people , to give them the idea , the experience that can change their living and thinking ; to be caught up in an effort to bring a fundamental change to Rhodesia — and that means , of course , matching one 's own life to it .
5 It has been said by some writers that he had got caught up in an extravaganza far beyond both his intention and his control .
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