Example sentences of "catch up [prep] [pron] [det] " in BNC.

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1 I caught up with him half way to the gates .
2 I caught up with you all at Riva 's house .
3 ‘ I 'll catch up with you some time when you 're back in England . ’
4 Actors are very emotional people who get caught up in their own make-believe — I would n't trust an actor at all ! ’
5 Incredible as it seemed , she 'd been too caught up in her own unhappiness to give a second 's thought to the play , which was due to open that very evening .
6 She was so caught up in her own feelings that she failed to detect the danger in the question .
7 Even though Carrie 's mother suspected something was different with her child , she was too caught up in her own religious world , that she did not do anything about Carrie 's obvious talent .
8 For the moment , he was the shaper of her world , the worker of her destinies ; but he was too tired , too caught up in his own changes , to follow her progress as conscientiously as he should have done .
9 He is now wholly caught up in his own sufferings , in a new dichotomy , an agonizing split within himself : Although he rejects conscience as ‘ but a word that cowards use , /Devised at first to keep the strong in awe ’ ( 309f. ) , the duality between truth and lies proves too great for Richard to sustain .
10 He felt very emotional , caught up in his own acting and awareness of the speech 's significance from the night before .
11 It was hard to be all sweetness and light when she was desperately trying to catch up with her own quarry before McKenna did .
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