Example sentences of "love to her [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Leonora took a deep breath and informed Penry that Guy had , indeed , made love to her to a certain extent .
2 But more often than not , whenever they were under the same roof together , he shared her bed and , now that her initial awkwardness had abated — for she had never seen a naked human being of either sex before and had always been discouraged from looking too closely at herself — he made love to her with a straightforward vigour she found attractive .
3 He made love to her with a driving desperation that matched the excesses which were to shock her in retrospect , and if his flesh bore the imprint of her nails and teeth afterwards , there were faint reciprocal marks on her body , mostly the legacy of an erotically suckling mouth .
4 Their feelings were intense , and he made love to her with an ardour she met and matched with a fiery passion that consumed them both in a blaze of glory .
5 Her heart thumped painfully as she remembered him making love to her for the first time , the hard , forceful thrust of his body coming much quicker than she had expected , an abrupt shock after all the gentleness that had gone before .
6 After a while he took off her cardigan and his jersey and then the rest of their clothes , and made love to her on the folk-weave bedspread of her university bed .
7 Her mind slid over this problem and rejected it , her thoughts returning to memories of Johnny as he had been when he had attempted to make love to her on the previous night .
8 She was flicked back against him , clamped closer with one powerful arm , and as he looked down at her , hard and intent , he made brief , rhythmic movements , flexing chest and thigh muscles to make her slide down his body , her heart hammering … he was practically making love to her on the dance-floor .
9 Ace made love to her in a silence made all the more potent when her roving caresses forced him to respond with a groan of pleasure as they touched each other intimately .
10 She heard the sound of the sea , the cry of the gulls and then her own cry , as he made love to her in the same way as he had done long ago at the Angel Inn .
11 ‘ I adore Ingrid , but I do spend a lot of time making love to her in the Baron and a man needs a change .
12 They swam then , and Damian made love to her in the hot sea , stripping her as they floated together , wrapping their bodies around each other in unreasoning desire , kissing saltily as their hoarse cries filled the air and they nearly sank like stones as Damian went rigid with pleasure , his fingers biting into her nude body in the warm water .
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