Example sentences of "argue [that] it [vb mod] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 In confidential papers presented to Her Majesty 's Inspectorate of Pollution , BNFL argued that it would not be commercially viable to reduce discharges from the Springfields plant .
2 Acknowledging that it would appear unjust to pay higher allowances out of taxation to the middle classes , she argued that it would only be possible if the higher allowances were paid for by the income groups or occupations which benefitted from them .
3 Britain was granted a specially lenient deal because Environment Minister Lord Caithness argued that it could not fit FGD in the required timescale , and that it had domestic high sulphur coal which it ‘ had to use ’ whereas other countries relied mainly on imported low sulphur coal .
4 " The Independent " argued that it could not in natural justice be bound by an order made against another newspaper , on different facts , and which it had been given no opportunity to oppose .
5 He termed this new pattern of systematized organization ‘ bureaucracy ’ , and argued that it must progressively supplant all rival systems of administration in a modern society because of its technical superiority in tackling problems and marshalling large-scale activity in a purposeful way .
6 Indeed , it could be argued that it would not have been possible to allow greater competition without changes in regulation to counteract the increased levels of risk that comes with more intense competition .
7 It was argued that it would never be possible to produce these bitmaps in real time , ie to create each character as and when it was needed from a master outline .
8 France and West Germany had presented a proposal for an immediate co-ordinated financial aid package amounting to some US$15,000 million , but the USA had argued that it could not commit itself to direct aid until the Soviet Union had reduced military spending , moved more forcefully to a market economy and curtailed its aid to Cuba .
9 Critics of Scottish devolution have argued that it will inevitably lead to demands for the number of Scottish MPs to be cut by between 15 and 20 .
10 Taylor , Walton and Young ( 1973 ) , for example , argue that it would inevitably have raised unpalatable issues : that there are important socio-economic differences between people , and that these are relevant to crime causation ; in other words , issues of differentiation and social determinism ( inimical to the classical position ) would have demanded attention .
11 Many belated advocates of a Lib-Lab agreement argue that it must also encompass both the standing down of Liberal Democrat candidates and negotiation of a full-scale policy for coalition government .
12 In a challenging analysis of the Government 's plan , they argue that it will not deliver the greatest health benefits to the greatest number of people .
13 The German government is pushing the European Commission for the introduction of a carbon tax , arguing that it should not be dependent on the co-operation of the USA and Japan , which would only postpone its introduction indefinitely .
14 Here Laski was highly critical of the abstract legal idea of absolute legal sovereignty , arguing that it could not form a realistic basis for political relationships .
15 Burton-Roberts argues that it can not be the case in [ 7 ] either , since in the philosopher Locke " one or other of the juxtaposed elements is not a referend , but has an attributive function " ( 1975 : 395 ) .
16 Carew Hunt , who was an authority at the Foreign Office on international communism and who wrote The Theory and Practice of Communism , argues that it can only be understood in religious terms .
17 Labour argues that it will not be significantly affected because most of those who evade the register would have been among the large proportion — between 20.1 per cent and 31.2 per cent in their top 10 target constituencies — who did not vote in 1987 .
18 Of course , there may be those who would argue that the entrenchment of the middle ground in power would be a good thing that would lead to moderate government and stable policies , but let them not argue that it would also be fair or would give the majority of people what they wanted of government .
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