Example sentences of "kill [prep] [noun] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 TWENTY people were shot and hacked to death in a Johannesburg township in the worst incident of violence in South Africa since August 1990 , and 10 others were killed in settlements elsewhere in the city , writes Fred Bridgland in Johannesburg .
2 A further eight skiers were killed in accidents close to the prepared piste , and 18 were killed climbing or skiing in open country .
3 On the same day 15 other people were killed in violence elsewhere in the state .
4 Two Palestinians were shot dead by Israeli army patrols on the West Bank and a man and woman were killed in Gaza allegedly for collaboration with the Israeli authorities .
5 A man explained that he was called Ibrahim to keep alive the name of his grandfather 's brother , killed without issue perhaps at the battle of Yellow Hill , or at Kawz , or at Hawaria ; and the same patterns appeared in other genealogies : the names of men without descendants , killed in battle , are recalled for use in a collateral line in later generations .
6 It developed a special affinity after its co-ordinator , police sergeant Harry Lawrie , was killed on Ben More in 1987 when a Wessex from the base crashed on a rescue mission .
7 ‘ He was killed by assassins just like the bastards nearly murdered me at Le Coq d'Or ! ’
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