Example sentences of "top of the [noun] with " in BNC.

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1 For West Indies , two bowlers , Garner and Marshall , shared the honours at the top of the averages with 27 wickets each , Garner 's being slightly the less expensive at just 16 apiece .
2 Earlier Paul Olsson had hit the top of the bar with a great lob early in the second half .
3 Place the three strips one on top of the other with seams at the back ; slipstitch ends together .
4 Divide each rectangular cake in half widthways and sandwich one on top of the other with buttercream to give a four-storey cake .
5 No mater what the book is — marxist polemic , feminist social criticism , or a gothic romance — and no matter that I take notes on three-by-five notecards ranged on top of the heater with my mug and my biscuits , I still do not feel that I 'm working .
6 The fact that it all seems to come so pat : on top of the row with Viola , just after the publication of the book , just when the second book was going to bring her a lot of money .
7 Dust the top of the salad with cayenne pepper .
8 And er they drew their truncheons , that I 'd never seen before , policemen with truncheons , er and they started to run and everybody else started to run , and I forgot there was a puppy dog , this puppy dog it it chased it chased towards the er p policemen , and started er barking and d and carrying on , and one of the policemen did no more than thump it straight across the top of the head with a with a truncheon , and er and that was the end of the puppy .
9 Flex your knees , grasp the top of the harness with both hands , lift the pack and balance it on your right thigh .
10 At Nateby , the road to Keld turns out of the village to spiral upwards to the top of the pass with good views of Mallerstang Edge during the ascent .
11 I sit in my room at the top of the house with my swabs and solvents , my brushes and pigments .
12 Nigel Mansell and the Williams team from Didcot are on top of the world with three straight wins … already Mansell is in provisional pole position for Sunday 's Barcelona Grand Prix .
13 Someone had nailed a simple crucifix to the top of the lid with the name ‘ Cosmas ’ scrawled in black beneath it .
14 Ferguson has guided his side to the top of the Premiership with four wins and a draw .
15 Each is then invited to hit the top of the cards with the flat of their hand in order to turn their card over .
16 Make a X-cut in the top of the stump with a knife , and within a couple of months a series of small cabbages will develop from the cuts .
17 Some months later , Gary came top of the class with an average mark of 93% .
18 It was a tiny place — nothing more than a shop knocked through from the street at ground level , no more than 60 feet long At one end was a small bar — from which we sold orange juices on top of the counter with the booze tucked away underneath .
19 I can only suppose that a large bird took hold of the ring on top of the box with his talons , and flew away with it .
20 Allow to cool slightly , then brush top of the cake with apricot glaze .
21 Brush the smooth top of the cake with apricot glaze ( see page 15 ) and turn it over on to the centre of the marzipan , glaze side down .
22 The next day , attach the body to the top of the cake with the help of a cocktail stick and a little royal icing .
23 Smooth and fill any cracks or pits on top of the cake with spare pieces of fondant to give a smooth , rounded surface .
24 Keeping one hand under the fondant for support , smooth it over the top of the cake with your other hand , easing the icing into all the hollows and indentations .
25 Secure the cone to the top of the cake with a little royal icing .
26 Paul starts to move the boats to the top of the falls whilst I run on ahead to talk to the police at the top of the falls with the nice man from the Northern Echo .
27 For a simple cut-out outline or geometric shape such as a circle , rectangle or wedge , just hold the cut-out on top of the icing with one hand while you lightly score around it with a pin using the other hand .
28 I wrote it down on the top of the table with my pencil .
29 The former England Under-21 international , 23 last Tuesday , has been intrumental in the Norfolk club 's surprise position at the top of the table with his 12 goals , arguably making him the buy of the season .
30 Wasps , top of the table with a 100 per cent record , admit they have yet to play to their full potential .
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