Example sentences of "source of [noun sg] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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31 Taking all sources of error into account Crowson concluded that the total error in using the tube was of the order of 5 per cent .
32 There will be sources of error in participant-observation and in face-to-face interviews , but they are complementary ; by combining both methods , we can estimate the degree and direction of error in our final statement of the rules of the vernacular .
33 Sources of error in GIS
34 Two important sources of stress for managers in our sample companies are technological change and dependency on subordinates .
35 One of the greatest sources of stress at work is relationships with other people — with superiors , with subordinates , with colleagues .
36 They were also marked by the rivalry between these growing capitalist powers for colonial markets and sources of supply in Africa and other non-industrialized regions .
37 Rubber trees were smuggled out of Brazil despite a government ban on export and used to create new sources of supply in Ceylon and the Malay peninsula .
38 Their view that the main traditional sources of grievance in industry — salaries , and problems deriving from the nature of the work task and of work organisation — would cease to be of importance as a focus of grievance in continuous-process industries turned out to be unsupported .
39 In some places the glacial deposits were reworked by small glacial streams and rivers leading to occasional , small deposits of fluvio-glacial sands and gravels which are often used throughout these islands as sources of aggregate for building purposes .
40 Given the sources of deconstructionism in Nietzsche among others , it is just as likely to have a nihilist-reactionary dimension as a progressive one .
41 You also need to eat quite large quantities of these plant sources of iron in order to obtain enough .
42 Eggs and ordinary liver are the best sources of iron in food .
43 A fascinating comparative discussion of the sources of divergence between US and British trade unionism ( as well as Canadian and Australian ) is Phelps Brown ( 1983 ) .
44 A central theme of this book will be a concern with the sources of action against peripheralization , and the role of the so-called ‘ underclass ’ as a classic reserve army of labour will be illustrated by examples of labour discipline and ‘ specially exploitative branches of accumulation ’ .
45 In places to which the public has right of access , save where the flow of information must be restricted by reason of confidentiality , members have an obligation to facilitate the flow of information and ideas and to protect and promote the rights of every individual to have free and equal access to sources of information without discrimination and within the limits of the law .
46 Mainstream sources of information about software are the large publishing houses , microcomputer manufacturers and software houses .
47 There is some corroboration for our conclusion in previous research , however : at the 1983 election Gunter , Svennevig and Wober ( 1986 , p. 119 ) found that ‘ whilst television clearly emerged from among various sources of information about politics as the major source , it seemed to be relatively less important in the decision-making process of which way to vote ’ .
48 Empirical research has long confirmed that for most people the mass media are the major sources of information about world events ( Table 1.1 ) and about political affairs ( Table 1.2 ) .
49 Sources of information on fish populations abound .
50 But Miss Waterson admitted that she was naive in assessing the sources of information on maternity care .
51 Sources of Information on Post-Graduate Courses
52 Er , my Lord you will see that there are cash flow forecasts which relate to the business er back statements for the plaintiffs er and then there are documents and papers which are referred to in Mr report and finally on the final page of the index there are the principal sources of information for Mr report .
53 We talked about it at the time ( since journos are often good sources of information for drivers ) and it was quite clear there was only one place Mario could even think of going : Ferrari .
54 Bibliographies are the most important sources of information for book selection , and a close understanding of their functions is essential — especially for stock revision .
55 The following lists the sources of information in order of declining use :
56 A further result from Mason 's experiment , involving a flexibility in the use of different sources of information in readers of differing ability , is also of interest .
57 Sources of information in librarianship and information science .
58 erm Yes it 's quite interesting I mean the if you go and look at the computerised facility that I 'd found about communications training , there are something like three hundred and ninety two sources of training in Scotland .
59 This in turn raises subsidiary questions such as the recruitment and length of tenure of members of the executive and the assembly , their formal and informal sources of power with respect to each other , and wider issues such as political traditions , especially those of the party system .
60 There are at least four sources of power in work organizations :
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