Example sentences of "concerned with [noun sg] [adv] than " in BNC.

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1 The rationalist approach , by contrast , is concerned with abstraction rather than facts , stressing the need for deductive consistency and tending to be dogmatic and definitive .
2 The primary issues are industrial rather than country matters and concerned with survival rather than the quality of life .
3 Hard times have created more drinkers concerned with value rather than brand .
4 Mineo Aayamuguchi An important video artist , whose work is concerned with aesthetics rather than issues .
5 If ideals or values are essentially statements of faith which can not be logically sustained then much of our examination will be concerned with persuasion rather than with facts in themselves .
6 Thus the definition of need in old age , which was adopted by Beveridge and was subsequently followed by all post-war Governments , was a minimalist one concerned with subsistence rather than the full participation of pensioners in society as equal citizens with other age groups .
7 Family health services authorities therefore have no effective managerial influence over general practitioners , resulting in a bureaucratic relationship concerned with regulation rather than a partnership devoted to improving patient care .
8 Few randomised controlled trials have been conducted using filtered blood , and most of them have been small , unblinded , and concerned with laboratory rather than clinical end points .
9 Duthie , and later Kennedy & Duthie ( 1975 ) , were concerned with general rather than special education and authors who have focused on special needs have suggested a wider brief .
10 Counselling is concerned with strain rather than with the facts .
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