Example sentences of "opportunity for [noun] [to-vb] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 Many of these songs give opportunity for pupils to mime or perform actions while seated at their desks .
2 To provide an opportunity for pupils to use and extend inquiry and communication skills developed in class work .
3 Developing Managerial Effectiveness — this highly successful five-day residential conference provides the opportunity for people to explore and develop their own managerial skills in work which requires leadership , communication , motivation and the use of one 's own authority .
4 The lack of opportunity for people to travel and study abroad would have hastened that decline .
5 However , resources are required for these opportunities for education to learn and adapt business approaches .
6 They would include : opportunities for students to see or experience equipment or processes which are not on offer within the institution ; the chance for a student to sample a possible future job or career ; the opportunity to learn something ( not much ) of the lives led in employment by their neighbours , their parents or their peer-group , so that they may grow up more understanding and more tolerant ( this rather pious hope may in fact be quite unjustified , they may have confirmed or developed disdain or envy for others ) ; a good student may catch the eye of an employer looking for a later recruit ; absence may lend enchantment to the view of the college and the students may return from work-experience reassured about their choice of education ; students may be motivated to work hard at college by the prospect of either securing a job like the one they have seen or tried , or by the determination to avoid a similar fate ; all these outcomes may be little more predictable than the consequences of going to the zoo for a visit .
7 She was involved in the London Women 's Film Group and the setting up of Cinema of Women in the late seventies ; then there was a sense of a political project , opportunities for women to meet and discuss ideas and motivations .
8 the authority give higher priority and better financial allocation to the in-service education of teachers ( INSET ) which extends opportunities for teachers to observe and learn from the work of colleagues in other schools
9 That vast organization is as amorphous and as difficult to impose discipline on as the legislature ; from the most senior to some quite junior levels , there are many opportunities for bureaucrats to undermine and defeat a president 's purposes .
10 At this stage , however , we can offer many opportunities for children to arrange and re-arrange the objects in a set and see whether they need to re-count each time .
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