Example sentences of "wish he [modal v] [verb] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 It was just Guido , she decided , throwing him a harsh look , wishing he 'd lose his balance and fall head first into the water .
2 I do wish he 'd command his 6 yard box more on crosses and corners tho
3 I wish he would keep his eyes off me , Laura thought grimly , feeling certain that she must have experienced almost a lifetime 's amount of tension over the past few days .
4 Wish he 'd make his mind up
5 But I wish he 'd civilize his living arrangements .
6 I wish he 'd get his teeth seen to ; do they have special police dentists or do they have to go to the ones everybody else goes to and hope the dentist does n't have some … have some grudge … some grudge against … ?
7 His shot was like a bullet , I wish he could clear his lines like that !
8 I wish he could use his Saudi influences to prevent the barbaric practice of decapitation of human beings which takes place every Friday in the square at Riyadh in Saudi Arabia .
9 More than that , he wished he could put his finger on why he did n't .
10 Dougal wished he could share his confidence .
11 He wished he 'd finish his drink and go to bed .
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