Example sentences of "deal with that [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 However , if a police officer is suddenly told by control that the member of the public with whom he is dealing may be suffering from a mental disorder , he may start to deal with that individual differently , and in a way that may not be particularly helpful .
2 I hope I deal with that matter today by taking this step .
3 I had hoped that my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for the Environment had dealt with that point very effectively .
4 Watkins LJ dealt with that argument thus :
5 The the as Mr er said , the way to solve the access to housing problem , is through the planning er through local plans and through affordable housing policies which are now enshrined in P P G three , and can deal with that problem quite satisfactorily .
6 I shall deal with that matter more fully in my later remarks .
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